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By Crystal Skillman

GENRE: Comedy, Musical

Two best girlfriends, an impulsive free spirit and a cautious planner, pursue their musical ambitions of becoming viral sensations in their mid-thirties. 




After finding each other’s profiles online in quarantine and falling in love with each other’s music, in the pilot Lucy and Ariel finally meet for the first time in New York City, but find they have wildly different ways of writing music and goals. Ariel is a soulful accordion player from Nashville who looks before she leaps, Lucy is a punky uke strumming New-Yorker who rushes headfirst into any musical challenge. But when they aim to create a song that will change the world and to find a way to headline at Club Gigantic, season one takes them on a journey that pits them against vengeful cabaret acts and TikTok tweens. But while these lovable friends might be seen as losers to the world at large, they adore and lift each other up. While they never achieve the success in each episode they set out to achieve, they somehow find a win that keeps them going.

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