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A terrifying past catches up with a cloistered Spanish village after hot teen Katie falls for a merman.
After discovering Naji a 15th century merman, the boy of her dreams, adversity befalls Katie. Will he reciprocate? Can the fretful village expunge its guilt about him?
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Drama
Alternative genre: Moral Fable
We have just started packaging a Movie set in Spain called DOLPHIN. It is about an émigré girl from London who finds a dolphin who turns into Naji the boy of her dreams. This sets in motion a set of events that alienates her from the superstitious villagers. Disaster beckons.
Can she live down her hot teen past?
Can she break her unrequited relationship with Naji?
Who is this mysterious merman character Naji?
Now at the packaging stage and seeking leads to satisfy investors.
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