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Synopsis Title: Raising Hope - Miss Little Princess Extra-Terrestrial By: Jennifer Leigh Stockton 504-717-0803 Maw Maw, the senile great grandmother and owner of the house, intently watches the 80's classic movie, E.T. with her great great grandbaby, Hope. She is starting to take the movie a little too seriously, and begins to use different means to try to communicate with aliens, and begins to search for E.T. around their home. In the meantime, her granddaughter, Virginia, who is Hope's young grandmother, works as an in home maid. She overhears her arrogant boisterous client, Mimi, bragging about entering her own granddaughter, Trixie Boo Boo, into the neighborhood Little Princess Fabulous Pageant. In efforts to prove the cocky Mimi wrong, Shontelle, Virginia's friend and co-worker, influences Virginia to enter Hope into the contest. Virginia then runs home with bags full of dresses from the local bargain store, and announces to Burt, her hard-working but carefree husband, and her son, Jimmy, the young naïve but well meaning single father of Hope, that she is entering Hope into the contest. Burt is all for it, especially because he heard from a flyer at the bowling alley that the first prize is a year supply of mac-and-cheese. But Jimmy, only wanting what is best for Hope, is steadfastly against the idea. Later on both Jimmy and Burt run into other extremely pompous and over the top pageant parents and their respective toddlers, such as an overly fake tanned and mega buff father, who resembles the fitness infomercial guru from the early 2000's, Tony Little, and his also fake orange tanned and buff toddler Foxy Roxy, who try to antagonize them both into entering Hope into the contest. Jimmy is still staunchly against the idea, until he finds out, aside from the mac-and-cheese, that first prize is also a guaranteed spot in the prestigious Hickory Elms Pre-School, which has a five year waiting list. In fears that he may not be able to provide Hope with the education that she deserves and that he himself never had, Jimmy gives in, and decides to enter her into the contest. Upon hearing this, Virginia, Burt and Jimmy's girlfriend, Sabrina, are supportive and eager to help Hope win the contest. Virginia and Burt, both keep running into their boastful and confrontational pageant opponents. They put up a good fight, but start to worry if they have enough money or showmanship to win the pageant. At the last minute, they decide to bring in help, Sabrina's fashion stylist cousin, Julian, and also her quirky ukelele playing cousin Shelley. There is a glamorous and fun montage of the group trying different outfits on Hope and talent training her for the pageant. This all comes to an abrupt end with Jimmy having enough and pulling Hope out of the contest, because he decides it is too exploitative. The whole group is now down and depressed. As Jimmy is busy pouting and drawing at his desk in his room, Hope is playing on the floor still in her extravagant shiny outfit. Maw Maw sneaks in the room, mistaking Hope for E.T. She lures Hope out of the room with a trail of Reese's Pieces and steals her. Once the group notices Hope is missing they all panic, and a string of events is created mimicking the iconic events of the movie, E.T. The episode climaxes with the family chasing Maw Maw in a red hoodie on her bike with Hope riding in the front basket with a towel wrapped around her. Maw Maw's bike hits a bump, and their silhouette appears in the air against the moonlight. They land near the actual amphitheater where the pageant is going on. The outside of the amphitheater highly resembles the outside of a huge space ship, which Maw Maw heads for with Hope. They crash the center stage of the pageant. Maw Maw keeps saying “E.T. you're home.” The judges catch a glimpse of Hope's natural beauty and personality, as opposed to the other contestants overly made-up faces and prissy personalities. They are so amazed they don't know what to make of it. Hope is announced the first prize winner, and everyone celebrates with joy. Burt and Virginia are ecstatic about winning the year supply of mac-and-cheese. Burt grabs Virginia, pulls her close, tells her he loves her. She says she loves him too, then they kiss passionately. They all go on stage to retrieve Maw Maw and Hope. Virginia says “Maw Maw, now it's time for you to go home.”