Darren A Crofts's Lounge Discussions

Darren A Crofts
The Swimmer - update / remake

Hi all - I am new to this site and am trying to find my way around - I'v written a script for a remake / update of The Swimmer and am trying to garner some interest in it - any thoughts / suggestions / ideas would be welcome - many thanks and best wishes all

Darren A Crofts

maybe the copyright owners can be found - maybe this is a chance to get the ball rolling?

Darren A Crofts

I'd like to take this as far as I can - see where it leads me - I think I have an interesting idea for a remake and the time may be right

Darren A Crofts

T=Many thanks Dan - that was what I was thinking - you just never know how these things turn out - and I;ve got to start somewhere - so here I am

Abby LaVal Clark

Your unique creativity is more powerful than years of experience.

Darren A Crofts

Thanks Abby - not entirely sure it is unique - but I am hoping I might find out

Darren A Crofts
The Swimmer - update / remake

Hi all - I have written a script for an update / remake of the 1968 film 'The Swimmer' starring Burt Lancaster and am looking to pitch it - came across this site on a google search - would welcome any feedback - anything

Many thanks -

Christine Capone

Great! I'd love to check it out! And it's a start so congrats!!

Christine Capone

Also, make sure to register your script with the WGA.

Darren A Crofts

I'd love to send it to you - if you fancy having taking a look

Christine Capone

Sure would love to check it out. Thx!

Darren A Crofts

In the end - I would like to leave the viewer with the impression that Ned could be the victim - their sympathies for him change as the story unfolds - ultimately one thinks he could be a very manipul...

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