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As the new Studio Executive at Warner Bros., Ari Gold is petitioned by Vincent Chase and E to call in a favor about a new film starting production: the highly anticipated sequel to the Academy Award winning Tropic Thunder.
First, a little backstory.
This was written after I had finished the series finale of the Entourage TV Series and a little thought began to perculate.I was thinking, what if Ari Gold was in a scene with Les Grossman from Tropic Thunder. So, I decided as a quick writer's exercise, to write a scene. Granted, this was written on May 25, 2013 before or around as the rumors of an Entourage Movie began to make the rounds. This was written in about 20 minutes and hasn't been touched since.
The scene: Vincent Chase and E meet with Ari Gold, the new head of Warner Bros., interested about the new lead in the new sequel to Tropic Thunder. They decide that using Ari's clout, they would have an 'in' with their studio head; Les Grossman.