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Anya finds herself in a post apocalyptic world where she is the sole caretaker of the earth since humans did not evolve and hence perished during global warming, famine and pestilence. A few years before the end of civilization, her body spontaneously underwent an evolutionary biological change and burnt all of the carbon out of her body, leaving her with the ability to survive without food or water, returning her to a biblical state of homeostasis, rendering her deified and immortal. Essentially an electric human, feeding on the nervous system rather than feeding off the blood system. Anyas' journey back to remembering her own divinity leads her to reconnect with the universe and all spiritual entities within it. Living as a human and evolving into a deity overnight leaves Anya no humans to relate to but is guided by spiritual entities in the universe. Time is messy, it's no longer linear but rather vertical, and time spent on earth is radically different than time spent off earth. Anya bounces off earth, back on earth, is with her fiancé, then with her grown children, and with her young child, and experiencing the apocalypse and life after the apocalypse. Anya sees her fiancé for his true nature. He is more animal than human after having spent his life eating too much pork he has ingested the DNA of pigs and now he is more a DNA match to pigs than to humans, like most of society. Humans are a self annihilating species, so when the earth finally transforms just as it was written in Revelations all those years ago, Anya can finally step into the purpose of her evolution, ushering the next root race of mankind.
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