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Obsessed with Chivalry and the quests of the Knight Errant,
Fiona has to don the armour of her fantasies to rescue the boy
of her dreams.
Only sixteen and already feeling the weight of the world upon her shoulders, Fiona is finding life tough and growing up even tougher.
A sick mother to look after, peers she finds it hard to relate to and a father struggling to make ends meet on the once grand, now neglected, country estate where they live. If it weren’t for her dreams and fantasies Fiona feels that she really couldn’t cope.
Her only confidant is her English teacher BOYLE, who encourages her vivid imagination. For while most teenagers of her age have pictures of pop stars and movie idols on their bedroom walls, FIONA has something different, she has pictures of Knights, their chivalric quests, and accounts of courtly love to help her escape.
And if the pictures and accounts were enough, she knows that she has more, for she has discovered a suit of armour on the estate, long forgotten and discarded in a seldom used part of the estate. Fiona sees the armour as representing all that is wrong in her life. It has lasted for centuries while her mother perhaps has only months, it was constructed for a purpose while her friends appear to have none.
But soon it comes to represent much more, for when MARTIN, a lad from her past re-enters her life, Fiona believes that he is her knight errant, turned up to change her life. In fact Martin is on the run, and soon those pursuing him turn up in the village to make their life a nightmare.
When she sees her confidant and friend Boyle beaten as the men try to find out where Martin is hiding Fiona acts. She dons the suit of armour, mounts her horse and seeks to rescue Martin, even though she knows him to be flawed.
Donning the suit of armour changes Fiona, she becomes the hero she always sought in someone else, a silver clad hero riding into the night to defeat the wicked and keep those she holds dear from harm.
The problem is, once the line between fantasy and reality has been crossed, Fiona finds herself propelled in the role of mystical, silver clad avenger, when all she really wanted was compliments and someone to pay her courtly love.
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Hi Clifton, I like this concept, but I think the logline could be stronger. I would definitely add that Fiona is a teenager, as that changes the tone of the story. I would adjust it to something like, "A 16 year-old girl obsessed with chivalry and quests of the knight errant dons a real suit of armor to rescue the boy of her dreams from..." I wasn't clear from the synopsis who exactly Martin is on the run from, but I'd add that to the logline to show how high the stakes are.