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Barka Ngainoumbey( Karnu) was a Gbaya religious prophet and healer from the Sangha river basin region. In 1924, he began preaching non-violent resistance against French coloniser in response to the recruitment of natives in the construction of the railway and rubber tapping and mistreatment by European concessionary companies. Karnu also preached against Europe and Fulani which grew to include a boycott of European merchandise and black solidarity. This movement went unnoticed by the French administration, which had only a limited presence in the region, until 1927, when many of the movements followers began to take up arms. Armed conflict broke out in mid 1928 in a clash between the Gbaya and the Fulani people. However, violence quickly spread towards French traders. French government post and local chiefs and soldiers worked for the French. The town of Bouar occupied and burned down by Karnu’s followers. Insurgency by Karnu’s followers continue in the following month despite being ill-equipped. A French counter attack with reinforced troops was launched in late June 1928 and on December 11, Karnu was killed. Here Come the second Hero Mbaybela who became the strongest character of this story. he United The Mboum and Gbaya to fight against France
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