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By Paul George

GENRE: Drama

Simran and Madhav are an engaged, highly artistic couple who oversee two ten-year-old institutions, a critically renowned music band and a powerful value-oriented regional political party, and they confront enormous hurdles from dark forces they are unaware of when they merge the two.


Simran's father, Vishwakarma, founded a regional political party with his seven family friends ten years ago. Vishwakarma dies mysteriously, even though the party has achieved significant development and inroads into society. Currently, the party has 5 M.L.As in the legislature.

Simran, Vishwakarma's daughter, had formed a highly acclaimed music band with her fiance Madhav about the same time as the political party was being formed. It's a successful music band, with a very innovative and skilled musicians and singers.

Simran and Madhav receive the highest awards and honours as the top singers in the state.

As the party suffers setbacks, Vishal, who was ostensibly a Vishwaka loyalist, breaks away and creates his own rival party. He is the mastermind behind several heists, murders, and rapes.

The party considers how to outsmart Vishal and his newly created political party, which has been highly popular among the youth, and enlists Madhav and Simran to take on more serious roles inside the party. Simran was first hesitant to take on more significant responsibilities inside the party, but with Madhav's support and influence, she eventually becomes everything within the party.

Vishal intensifies his attacks on Simran and Madhav, resulting in a tumultuous situation for both the music band and the political party.

As Madhav and Simran attempt to merge political work and musical activities, music and other related artistic endeavours play an important role.

Vishal has all of the world's support and magically overtakes Simran and Madhav's political operations and every attempt to win the people's hearts.

There comes a huge twist when we learn that Vishal was the one who assassinated Vishwakarma, and the nation's premier investigative agency is called in to investigate the case.

One wonders if her party's recipe for fusing music and politics can ever succeed...

How effective will Simran and Madhav's leadership strategies be against Vishal's seemingly unstoppable victories?

Is Vishal truly the mastermind behind Shri Vishwakarma's assassination?

Nathaniel Baker

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Tasha Lewis

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Robert Sacchi

The synopsis makes me curious. Is this related to real life political issues in India? Would this screenplay have a "Bollywood" style?

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