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A streetwise, blue collar raised young executive in the "yuppie" world of the 1980s strives to find true love and life purpose amidst great family tragedy and a hostile, callous boss.
Black & White to Color is a feature length family dramedy that tells the authentic, uplifting journey of an affable, irreverent 1980s young executive striving for love and corporate success. Having just lost one parent and another receiving a cancer diagnosis the protagonist Steve Budoch now living in Arizona has to deal with family tragedy far away from his childhood home of Chicago all the while trying to establish a committed relationship with "the one" with Joni Mitchell bangs and continue to rise up the corporate ladder under a unethical, self-centered boss.
The story is a character driven period piece set in 1986 with flashbacks to 1966 that provide insight on events from Steve's childhood that impact his "current" day approach to life. His "safe" life now in turmoil, Steve looks to family, old friends, present day confidant and blue collar roots to provide stability and guidance in his new upper-class indulgent "yuppie" world. Will these sources provide him the answers to what is "really" important in the grand scheme of what we call "success" and a future life well lived? In the end he learns it's not about winning or losing but rather truly appreciating the gifts those who care have given him.
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