Joseph Kirkwood

Joseph Kirkwood


Leeds, United Kingdom

Member Since:
September 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Joseph


I am a Screenwriter based in Leeds, England. Early career, finished my MA now trying to find out how to sell some scripts.





  • Max

    Max Budget: $1M - $5M | Action Comedy Vitor is a billionaire, however this is not enough, so he tries to harness the power or lightning to become superhuman. Unfortunately, his plan fails and instead strikes Max, a nearby homeless man who receives strange powers. Will he use them for good? How long until Vitor finds him to take back what he lost?

  • Who Art In Heaven?

    Who Art In Heaven? Thriller In the wake of a trauma, Elijah, a new-age cult leader questions the truth about their past and embarks on a journey of self-discovery. With secrets to hide and forces working to hinder his investigation; in the end, the blood on their hands will become very real.

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