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By Alyse Kane Riley

GENRE: Thriller, Horror

Unwittingly part of a deadly game, LIMINALITY follows five strangers in the space between life and death, when Lucifer and God make a bet for their souls.


Take any ordinary day in our lives, when synchronicities occur, we call it chance. A random encounter, an unexpected event— nothing more than a coincidence. But on this day, for these very different five strangers, nothing could be farther from the truth. Nora ( a lesbian Atheist), Abe (a non-binary Jew), Mohamed (a faithful Muslim), Maddie (a devout Catholic) and Chad (a vengeful teen) are all entangled in a deadly fated game between good and evil.

Unknowingly, their first stop is aboard the elevator delivering them to the pits of hell… and who else would be their captain, if not the Devil himself? Disguised as a heroic fireman, come to save the day. If they can face their innermost fears and put aside their differences to come together as one unit, they can defeat Lucifer. But we all know— that isn’t likely. This game is just heating up.

Tasha Lewis

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