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By Alyse Kane Riley

GENRE: Drama, Horror
LOGLINE: Who is she? The curly haired, seemingly normal, new girl in town living in a trailer at the edge of the woods. But when John finds her years later, she's anything but normal. In fact, she's dead. Or something like it... Call it romance, or obsession; he tries to save what is left of her "life", when she remarkably ends up saving his and together they must confront the terrifying forces waiting to engulf their town.


When it comes to films of the undead, the industry seems to be saturated with the same menagerie of old visuals. Familiar hues, moaning moronic beasts roaming about, pale skin-tones and of course, a slue of gory horror scenes mixed throughout. This is something much different. We call upon the nostalgia and coming-of-age vulnerability of Sam Levinson’s Euphoria, interlaced with a supernatural event leading to the end of all days, like that of Stranger Things. We indulge ourselves in telling a story, set sometime in the early 2000’s, a pre-dystopian world, where our characters aren’t even sure if they’ll survive Y2K, let alone the end of the world.

Meadow is an hour long, 10 episode, supernatural drama with a sly sense of humor. We take a small mountain town, seemingly unchanged for decades and shake it up with a disturbing disappearance of over 40 males, and only one female. They are all being taken by a species of hive-minded monsters, who arrive interdimensionally every 139 years to replace their queen and feed… but this time they are here to stay.

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