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By William Brower

GENRE: Adventure




The world of Mysidia is introduced to the audience where the dragon elder, Clarok and his brethren act as mentors to the human settlements until he dreams a vision of war. Awaking from the prophecy, he commissions his brothers to craft the Dragons Bane, a suit of armor and a sword designed to unite the world in its darkest hour. Upon completion, the dragons separate the pieces gifting them to the care of the kingdoms before abandoning the world. Mysidia soon falls into a 10,000 year civil war which upon subsiding divides the planet with a series of walls designating kingdom boundaries where even a toe step or finger over the edge is viewed as an act of aggression. It’s in this time frame where PHILLIP a magistrate’s son is introduced. Although limited in warfare, his strength is diplomacy until he is framed for patricide and is exiled from his village. He attempts suicide but is saved by a stranger dressed in red robes who claims that the scars on the young man are the marks of Clarok’s prophecy thus starts the hero’s journey for the quest for the Dragons Bane.

Episode 1:

This episode is a flashback to thirty years before Phillip and Jameson’s tales and broken into three short stories.

A) Latarian, Prince of the Landweller Kingdom is obnoxious and arrogant towards his people. Feeling not only entitled by royal lineage, but pride in his people, Latarian is informed of a human settlement that had breached the border and sends his closest friends to a night raid massacring the inhabitants. The village elder sends Latarian into the battle enraged that the Prince had taken action upon himself when the King, his father had granted permission for the establishment to be built. Following a series of trials, the Prince is sent to the sewers of the kingdom forced to clean them in humiliation. He soon discovers a secret trail up the mountain and spots the kingdom of Wonderouspeak nestled above the clouds. Knowing that like him, the Hawkpeople of the land hold a piece of Dragons Bane, he organizes an army and by using the recently discovered passage, charges up the mountain hoping to claim dominion.

B) Caravax, Prince of the Hawkpeople, conducts his training rituals in the courtyard of Wonderouspeak. Varikon the trader arrives at the kingdom and Caravax feeling overly confident in his royal title, ignores his duties and spends the kingdom’s entire budget on additional weapons and supplies. Upon hearing of the actions, his General sends the Prince and his companions on rotating guard duty. Forced to fly among all four towers that form the perimeter of the land for an undisclosed time, Caravax spots movement from the trails below and calls for his friends to sound the alarm. The Landwellers breach the kingdom killing everything in sight, Caravax charges down attacking Latarian. They face off against one another until Latarian is severely wounded. He demands that Caravax kill him as Landweller tradition views it an honorable death. Caravax shows compassion instead, tells Latarian to return to his lands and heal himself. Latarian regroups and retreats vowing his revenge at a later time.

C) Kephron of the Seafolk prepares himself for the arrival of his cousin Varikon inside of a tidal chamber. The pair meet and speak of current events between the kingdoms above. Like the others, Kephron pushes the boundaries of his expenses and is forced to take charge of building an extension of the kingdom on the lower level of the seafloor. He follows through with his punishment and organizes his layer. A traveler appears at the surface and requests permission to cross the kingdom by ship. Kephron agrees until he sees the waters above light up the seafloor. He swims to a vantage point in time to notice the land above in flames and the sounds of combat drifting on the air. Returning to his people, he advises them to raise their defenses and ready themselves for war.

Episode 2:

Jameson, an exiled mage assists his wife in providing water and fruit for a village in the barren sections of the world. Their son accidentally sets fire to a cobbler’s stand destroying the merchandise and is in stocks when the parents arrive. After gaining custody of his son, Jameson explains that magic comes with a price and that the marriage and family bond they share is born of a blasphemous relationship between a former priestess and mage. With the birth of the son, both magical tendencies have been passed through inheritance. During a hunting trek, Jameson stumbles across the boundaries of an Animile kingdom known as the Landwellers. Although cooled and advised against farther action, the mage looks at the race with distrust. The next day, Jameson’s son argues with his father and runs away from the village. During the pursuit, he runs across the borders causing the Landweller’s to not only attack the village, but likewise give chase to the boy. The family is soon surrounded on the shores of the beach at the borders of the Seafolk Kingdom when Jameson witnesses the deaths of his wife and son. He’s soon tossed to the sea where days later, he washes on a deserted island where a winged statue lays buried in the sand. It comes to life offering retribution and vengeance against all who wronged the mage and also promises the resurrection of his family in exchange for a blood vow of servitude. Jameson makes the pact, only to discover that with each new spell taught, a portion of his body withers and dies.

Episode 3:

Phillip, enters the land of the Hawkpeople carrying the first piece of the Dragons Bane. His host is unconvinced that a human is the one prophesized to unite the world and orders his guard to make an example of the man. The guard panics when finding the mark of the prophecy on the man and backs away. Caravax summons his people to join in a feast and celebrate Phillip’s arrival. Caravax warns Phillip of Latarian who’s ambition has caused a long standing border conflict between both kingdoms. The celebration is interrupted by a wounded guard warning of another pending attack. Caravax leads Phillip to the throne room and attaches a piece of the Dragons Bane on the man, he readies himself for battle as a guard pushes the man off the balcony. A set of wings shoot from the armor and Phillip glides uncontrollably below and rams himself into the warlord Latarian. Phillip is captured as a prisoner of war and led to the arena with other slaves to await their fate. Phillip survives his trials and Latarian not believing the human’s words of being the appointed one, commands he travel to the Seafolk and bring their king to the surface as proof of his claims. Phillip ventures to the border and plunges into the ocean as Latarian turns his attention towards Caravax’s kingdom once more. Phillip is welcomed by KEPHERON, king of the Seafolk and after collecting the piece of Dragons Bane, returns to the surface with the leader in tow. Latarian is forced into an alliance between the other tribes and as a united front, the newly formed forces prepare to face off against Jameson’s approaching army. The new companions pray and watch as arrows fall around them taking lives along the way.

Season 2

Jameson’s army is defeated and the mage is killed by Phillip. Latarian falls during the battle and Caravax appoints himself the foster parent to Latarian’s son. An uneasy transition occurs over the following years as barriers and defenses are lowered and unified.

On the Eastern Shores of Mysidia, the Oracle of Cronius foresees the arrival of Phillip and his companions. As the prophet prepares his temple for the arrival, the forces of evil likewise gather in the forms of two generals, Octavious and Necomsile. Both of which control the naval and infantry forces. Phillip learns more of his destiny and in the midst of the journey falls in love with a chieftain named Vickaria. As the new couple find love and establish a family, Necomsile and Octavious make way for invasion.

Season 3

A manhunt on a global scale takes place as Phillip suffers head trauma and upon being captured by Octavious, is brainwashed into believing he is the chosen one for the god of evil, Tarakon. Phillip undergoes a transformation and begins to sever the alliances he’d spent years forging among the other kingdoms. Leaving a trail of bodies and shattered trust as a path.

Season 4

The prophecy of Phillip is fulfilled as the dark war falls upon Mysidia. Phillip is exorcized of the evil and though fully purged from brainwashing, must make amends for the murders he’s committed and the actions of his nature. As he comes to terms and finds redemption, he meets on the battlefield to face off against a resurrected Jameson, both men clash and in the end, kill each other. Tarakon is defeated but in his final words, he curses the inhabitants of the world citing that Animiles and anything not human be reverted to their animalistic forms.

Season 5

Hareden, the adult son of Phillip lives in a changed Mysidia. The allies who served under his father became extinct due to the curse, the deity and prophecy both faded into oblivion and although the dragons have returned to the land, they too have fallen victim to the curse causing Hareden to hunt and kill them. At last Hareden is pitted against Clarok himself who allows himself to be sacrificed for the sake of the greater good. The man slays the dragon but the results torment him. Hareden stands at the shore of a lake where in a fit of frustration, he casts the sword of Dragons Bane into the waters. Unknown to him, a woman’s hand grabs the hilt and slides the sword into the depths below.

Bonus Episodes

THE LEGEND BORN FROM HISTORY A sixteen year old aspiring author meets a budding artist in their science class during their freshman year of high school. By lunch time, a fantasy series was born! This is the history and back story how a man passionate about history and mythology created the world of the Dragons Bane series with the help of a small circle of creative friends demonstrating Campbell’s Hero’s Journey along the way.

CHRONICLES OF THE DRAGONS BANE 20TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Twenty years since the original concepts for the Dragons Bane series was written, the cast and characters gather at a fictional convention panel to share stories about being involved within the story and experiences working with the author.

A JOURNEYMAN’S GUIDE TO MYSIDIA This is a travel guide to the world of Dragons Bane featuring highlights of local landmarks, regional cultures and biographies of world leaders. Similar to Rick Steve’s Tours of Europe specials.

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