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American Pickers Meets The Exorcist
Beth Roberts and John Barnsworth are a happily committed couple who find the thrill of antique hunting as a means to not only share their adventures online, but also to enjoy traveling outside the city and take a change of scenery. During a break between jobs, they discuss a shop that sits in the middle of nowhere which peaks Beth’s interest.
Beth draws together a list of friends who will join them on their trek and as John complains about the selected party, they part ways. Beth spots a statue highlighted in the overhead lights of a store across the way from the café. She approaches the window to study a Kachina doll in the shape of a dancing wolf. She focuses on the details of the figure before turning away and heading home.
Beth arrives home where a large photograph of an abandoned farm in the middle of a desolate field hangs on the wall near her front door, the shed appears forlorn and desolate in the foreground of the image. She removes her shoes and drops her keys in a dish below the photo, walks off to bed. Later that night, Beth has a dream the Kachina doll has come to life and stands in the shadows of her bedroom. She wakes up and gathers her gear in preparation for the upcoming trip.
With everything packed, John arrives at the door with their mutual friend, Pat who informs them that the last member of the group, Liz was en route to arrive shortly. John prepares coffee and is informed by Beth that she’s offered Pat and Liz five hundred dollars each to assist them in this trip and while upset to be told at the last minute, obliges as the last person arrives.
They arrive at a diner sitting on at the end of the road. The group go inside to grab food and directions to the antique shop. Pat and John observe that the interior hasn’t been updated recently including a calendar dated in 1952. The only waitress is a woman with long black hair and dark eyes, she claims to be the owner of the antique shop and offers to direct the group on site once her shift ends. During their time, the waitress introduces herself as Lilith then disappears to handle the order.
During the ride to the shop, Lilith gives a backstory on the history of the land and continues to call the area cursed. She mentions that Beth’s past calls to her and she recognizes a Native American blood.
They arrive at the location which is a perfect match to the photo in Beth’s apartment, Lilith leaves the group and walks towards the house, she invites the others to explore the barn. Beth is confronted by a lifesize statue of the wolf figure she spotted the day before. Liz walks farther inside and is struck by a booby trap.
Lilith runs inside and offers to return to the diner to call for help as John walks towards the house. He walks inside and sees the area is bare downstairs. He climbs up towards the bedroom where a smaller copy of the photograph sits beside Lilith’s bed. He turns to see the shadow of the wolf climbing the stairs and hides in the closet before lunging towards the creature, they both smash into the railing of the landing and fall to the floor below.
Beth watches from her vantage after following John and sees him kill Pat. Unsure what’s going on, she runs away from him and hides in the basement where she too is faced by the wolf figure. The creature claims to be her spirit guide and leads her through the history of the land in a series of flashbacks showing how the curse had affected the land over time.
Police and fire arrive on the scene to assist the situation and unknown to them, Lilith had rigged the entire location with a heavy dose of peyote. They hallucinate killing one another in frenzied panic leaving only Beth and John alive.
The couple escape back to the city but their time is short as John is brought in for suspicion of murder while Beth still under the influence of the drug lies in the hospital. John is released and goes to find Beth then brings her home. He stops by the shop where the figure originally stood the day before and meets the owners who likewise know the history of the land as well as Lilith’s true nature. They offer to help him with the situation and leave for the farmstead.
John goes to Beth’s apartment to check on her but after a minor confrontation, she leaves and drives to the farm.
John arrives in time to learn that Beth has become possessed by the land and the spirit guide while Lilith was the avatar that awoke the sleeping spirit. The shop owners are killed off while Lilith performs a ritual that links the victims of the past to arrive in the present and commit mass suicide once again.
As the corpses fall to the ground spilling blood, Beth remains at the very center bathing herself in the carnage.