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Based on true events, a group of special needs students discover that brotherhood overcomes the stigmas of public school.
It’s the first day of school 1993 and Scott, Vince, Dan, Tom, Mike, John, Chris and Phillipe all prepare to kick off their senior year of high school. The group of friends have each faced their own demons over the previous eight years which leads to the formation of the close knit relationship known as the CRAZY CLAN.
As Phillipe wakes up and gets ready for the day, he trips and falls over Chris who’d broken into the bedroom in the overnight hours and was asleep on the floor beside the bed. After a brief conversation, Chris climbs out the window while Phillipe enters the kitchen where his father sits in a drunken stupor with his head on the dining room table, his mother tries to convince Phillipe that in life, people are judged by the company they keep and suggests he separate himself from those he’d grown up with. The somber tone of the conversation is juxtaposed by Chris pressing his rear end to the sliding door mooning both parents before walking towards the car around the corner of the house.
At the school, the group meet up with their mutual friend Lisa, a tutor and at times motherly figure to the guys who interrupts their sales of contraband to suggest they study in preparation for the new classes. By lunch time, everyone except for Lisa sits below the stage of a local strip club toasting their final year of school together. The next day, they each meet the guidance counselor who tries to halt their ambitions and personal goals by reminding them that students with learning disabilities shouldn’t reach beyond remedial labor. At day’s end, the entire gang sits in Chris’s garage planning the first of many pranks. Phillipe returns home to find a series of death threats left for him on the answering machine from a jealous ex-girlfriend. Phillipe informs his friends of the situation and they reassure him not to be concerned. They balance their time between pulling pranks and practical jokes on the student body and faculty members until at long last; Phillipe writes his will and faces the gang. His fate changes when the other members of Crazy Clan arrive and instead of fighting, use special effects to scare the gang members away from their friend.
Grateful for the assistance provided by his friends, Phillipe expresses his gratitude by booking airline tickets and hotel reservations for a weekend in the Bahamas. While on the island, they use the time on the beach to relax before catching an adult’s only dinner show. They return Monday to studies and picking the graduation song. When their united selection (Another Brick in the Wall Part 2 by Pink Floyd) is ignored for the popular choice three years running, they make plans to rebel with a massive joke involving laxatives and the detonation of homemade stink bombs in the ventilation ducts.
Phillipe returns home where his parents explain that people with learning disabilities aren’t meant to attend college and although he swore to cover tuition on his own, his goals and overall well being were ridiculed. Defeated, Phillipe goes to his bedroom and begins getting drunk off a bottle of whiskey. His drinking is disrupted by a phone call from Lisa who arrives minutes later, carries him against her shoulder to her car and sobers him up.
The principal reads the morning announcements from custom made cue cards and slowly has a panic attack on the air. The commotion is interrupted by the stink bombs going off forcing students to double over and get sick in class. As the building evacuates, the Crazy Clan walk among the chaos before meeting at Chris’s garage later the same day. Their celebration is short lived as they prank call an upscale night club making arrangements to attend the grand opening celebration incognito and using foreign aliases. They continue pulling pranks on their classmates and upgrade to flying their cars using a natural inclined road as a converted launch pad.
Things come to a halt when Chris pulls an outlandish stunt that not only lands him on the evening news, but facing felony charges and years in prison. With one of their close friends detained, the others try to maintain a normal life and focus on their studies until gathering at Scott’s home for a movie night, their activities are disrupted by a knock at the door. Chris walks in crashing the film but also forcing the others to retreat to the back room where a debate is brought to the forefront, should they willingly let Chris stay and risk harboring a fugitive or notify the authorities and run the risk of losing a lifelong friendship?
The gang agrees that they can’t let him stay and with emotion, they watch as the police apprehend their founding member and haul him away. Phillipe returns to Scott’s home to retrieve notes and stops watching his friend injecting heroin in his arm. He climbs in his car, produces a bottle of whiskey and drinks it down before he drives haphazardly down the road to his house. His front fender and grill strike his garage and he fumbles, and then falls partially from the car trying to get out. Tom watches from his driveway before running to lift his friend from the yard, he carries Phillipe inside where his mother mistakes Tom for her son and begins insulting him. Tom in anger spews profanity back until she throws both of them out of the house. The next morning Phillipe sits in the cafeteria with vines hanging from his glasses and muddy clothes. Lisa gets mad hearing that he’d passed out drunk in the city park and demands that Tom fix the problem he’d created the previous night.
Chris returns to the group only to discover that in his absence, each person has sought alternate methods to cope with their issues and his closest friend Phillipe, was slowly becoming addicted to LSD. He calls and invites him over for a movie night and subsequently locks him in his bedroom explaining that although drastic, it would help him with the withdraw of the addiction. Slowly both friends begin to strengthen their bond before turning their attention towards the others who were equally defeated. The reformed Crazy Clan’s celebration of sobriety is short lived as all but Phillipe produce papers showing college acceptances in different states during lunch time and soon, all agree to make the remaining months memorable.
At last, a stronger, semi sober Crazy Clan resume their pranks on the school members and take the time to test the highway by taking a road trip into the northern part of the state where like fish out of water, they sit in a diner wearing metal and horror themed shirts while armed patrons in country attire stare at them.
Scott has an anxiety attack as he tries to run away from a class exam, Mike catches him and carries him back to class where both of them are threatened with failing the class for skipping. Later that night, Scott and Phillipe meet at a charter bus to attend Grad Nite. The pair arrives at Disney and rummage through the various restaurants and cafes eating junking food and sodas. Scott convinces Phillipe to ride Splash Mountain forcing his friend to vomit on the final drop; he tries to buy the souvenir photograph but comes up a few dollars short. After making amends and riding other attractions, the pair returns to the charter bus where Scott tells Phillipe that as a final prank, the others had thrown Mickey Mouse into the park’s river.
Dan, Phillipe and Scott sit in class where a teacher’s assistant lectures them on a lesson in supply and demand. The assistant assigns the class a project which would be worth ninety percent of the overall class grade. Phillipe finds inspiration at the last minute telling Scott that his project was going to reflect real world scenarios since they were all going to be in college by the fall.
Phillipe works through the night organizing notes and prepares his assignment and when speaking with Scott, tells him that he’d finished speaking with the CDC for the final touches on his project. The following day, Phillipe is called to his dean’s office where she proceeds to inform him that because he chose to do his supply and demand assignment on condoms, that the teacher’s assistant not only failed him but was seeking possible charges of sexual harassment against him as the topic made her uncomfortable. The dean explains that from the faculty solution for this situation was to hold him back from graduating with the rest of his class and his family was informed of the decision already.
Phillipe returns home a shell of himself, his mother confronts him at the door letting him know that he’d been disowned by both parents and the college fund first established by Phillipe’s grandfather had been confiscated as it was designated for family only. Phillipe walks away to change into a work uniform for the local fast food restaurant when he notices his bedroom had been stripped bare and upon asking, is told by his mother that his possessions had been pawned because Phillipe’s father had lost his job again. The young man leaves for work only to be met by the manager at the door who tells him that he was being laid off.
Phillipe returns to an empty home with a 30 day notice taped to his door. Completely broken, he grabs bottles of whiskey from the cabinet and begins washing down a bottle of sleeping pills. He wakes up briefly in the hospital as a gurney rushes the semi conscious teen into the emergency room. He wakes up later in the psychiatric ward under suicide watch but his outlook changes as he hears all the members of the Crazy Clan calling the radio station sending messages of love and support to their fallen brother.
Phillipe emerges a changed man with determined outlook and upon arriving home, faces everyone in the Clan who had assembled for both an intervention and rushed tutoring to prepare him for repeating the class in summer school. As graduation commences, Phillipe drives to the parking lot and flashes his headlights as he watches his friends walking out the auditorium with diplomas in hand.
After one last massive party in the middle of the Everglades, the guys gather one last time at Chris’s garage. The air is mixed emotions as the following morning; everyone was heading to the new chapters in their lives. They decide to play a final song using the instruments lying around the garage and after watching movies over pizza, the guys sit around reminiscing about memories from the past decade of friendship. The sun rises through the windows as the song FREEBIRD begins playing on the radio while one by one they break down crying before coming together in a group hug one last time. Soon only Chris and Phillipe remain, they hug one more time while Phillipe promises that when they meet again ten years later that he would be walking into the reunion carrying a published book about the wild times and bonding moments.
As Phillipe reflects in voice over on the end of the Crazy Clan, he stops at the park late in the night watching a minor explosion as the bunker used by the gang gets buried courtesy of demolition charges. He walks back to his car as FREEBIRD still plays on the radio and drives away. His features transition as he continues passing the old neighborhood. Reflected in the rearview mirror behind him is a flyer promoting the school’s ten year reunion sitting on top of a case of published books showing the promise made had been fulfilled.
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