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By William Brower

GENRE: Thriller

A detective investigating the abduction of criminals discovers the workings of a religious cult holding the lives of the entire town hostage unless he stops them before they commit genocide.



  • Bear Creek Falls is a small mountain town in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Aaron James and Mike Evans are detectives in the police department.
  • Aaron discovers that a convict has disappeared while being transported for sentencing.
  • This is the fourth time a disappearance happened within the town.
  • Mike offers Aaron his choice of witness accounts.
  • Aaron theorizes that one of the witnesses mistook a bomb suit for an alien.
  • Aaron and Mike wait outside of the bomb squad department.
  • Aaron runs inside to find the skinned body of the missing convict.
  • The Sergeant surrenders and exposes a chemo port admits to be dying.


  • Mike drives to the Sergeant’s house looking for evidence.
  • The house is stripped bare to a blanket and live fish in the back yard for food.
  • Mike visits the town butcher Spring Heeled Jack to pick up his order and question him.
  • Jack states the Sergeant was acting strange in the prior days.
  • Mike returns to the station and questions the Sergeant.
  • Aaron observes the interrogation and discovers that Spring Heeled Jack is tied to the murders.
  • A standoff between Spring Heeled Jack and the police take place.
  • Jack is arrested and brought in for questioning.
  • Jack confesses to unknowingly disposing of the bodies.
  • Aaron and Mike search for more clues to the case.
  • Aaron gets a call that the Sergeant had committed suicide while in the holding cell.
  • Aaron and Mike review the security footage which shows a conversation with an unknown person before the Sergeant’s suicide.


  • Aaron and Mike visit the president of the local chapter of the Hell’s Angels who is an informant.
  • The President talks of a cease fire between a rival gang because of the abductions.
  • The President offers a second clue that the previous kidnapping happened with a funeral director and a hearse.
  • The detectives leave and the building explodes behind them injuring both.
  • Aaron wakes up in the hospital and tries to test his strength.
  • Mike is in a coma on a different floor.
  • Aaron stops at the hospital chapel before visiting Mike.
  • Aaron hears an obscure sermon on his way back to his room.
  • Aaron suggests Mike to go undercover in the Hospice ward
  • Mike meets the Cardinal, the mastermind behind the abductions.
  • Mike watches other patients follow the Cardinal’s lessons.
  • Mike learns of the plans to purge the city of crime.
  • Aaron finds the convict abducted by the hearse.
  • Aaron confronts the director.
  • Aaron goes to arrest the director but the man bites into a cyanide pill dying.
  • Mike fakes his death and is revived by Aaron’s nurse away from the ward.
  • Aaron takes notes of a sleeper cell on the coming raid consisting of terminally ill patients turned suicide bombers planning to blow up the areas of high crime.
  • Mike gathers strength and joins other officers in pursuit of the bombers.
  • Aaron chases the Cardinal’s trail to the waterfalls outside of town.
  • Aaron challenges the Cardinal to stand down, the man smiles and reaches in his pocket. Aaron fires.
  • Aaron discovers the Cardinal was unarmed and had grabbed his rosary before being killed.
  • Aaron and Mike meet with others at breakfast, the news breaks that the entire city of Detroit was burned overnight by a sleeper cell.

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