April Ort's Lounge Discussions

Trista Godfrey
Looking For A Creative Bounce Board

Screenwriting is fun and complicated puzzle and sometimes the pieces are there but you can't see where they fit. That's why having a great, creative bounce board is always a great asset. So, I guess what I'm saying is, anyone out there want to be a creative bounce board (it goes both ways).

Eoin O'Sullivan

A good idea doesn't necessarily mean a great screenplay, just like a good idea doesn't guarantee a successful business. I'm not suspicious enough to imagine that there are writers out there just waiti...

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Janet Scott

What about a bad script... that is a great idea?

Eoin O'Sullivan

If it's a bad script, it will be judged as a bad script, regardless of the idea at it's core . . . people may not get past the first 10 pages, let alone finish the script. That's why you shouldn't be...

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Janet Scott

Failtie.... Eoin, thank you for the feedback.... Slaintie.

Mark Aylward

Hi Trista, I would like to bounce creative ideas around with you. I don't trust to just post my screenplays on this site...I've put my logline and couldn't bring myself to place even the synopsis on here...are you concerned in this way on this site?

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