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"What if you could leave this planet a hero and live in paradise?" In the future, the world's leading frontier energy company is Nextlyte, led by arrogant magnate, Wade Alexander. They've found a way to slip through channels connecting different dimensions, "crack diving at the edge of the universe," he calls it, and it's led to amazing discoveries, including other inhabitable worlds. But, every success is not without its share of tragedies. One of their veteran captains, Ben Buckland, has been declared lost in space when his one-man exploratory craft, Farsight 5, makes a final transmission and is gone. Now, Wade leads the massive ship, Farsight 6, to find him and the reportedly earth-shattering energy source he claimed to have discovered before going silent. But Farsight 6 is doomed too, an alien substance infiltrating the fuel supply, causing engines to explode; even the escape pod with half the crew is reduced to nothing but a ball of flaming metal shortly after jettisoning away. Wade and his men are forced to land on an alien planet, tragically marooned in another dimension. Or, so it would seem. Back up two months. Ben's last transmission. Wade organizing his rescue. But, he only involves men who, along with himself, have reasons for wanting to leave Earth behind forever: Sheldon Perry, Pilot, whose wife is in a coma; Seth Buckland, in search of his father and a new frontier to conquer; Professor Milton, Chief Engineer and disgruntled, late-in-life father of a newborn (and practically his young bride, too); and Evan Hollister, Head of Security, who just found out his wife is having an affair and is leaving him, taking their twin, 3-year old daughters with her. So, these five men decide to fake their demise in order to escape their trials on Earth and enter a world of heavenly promise, Paradisia. It's like an untouched paradise, with inhabitants like angelic maidens, welcoming the men with promise of fulfillment of their every desire. But, one man has regretted his choice since leaving, a choice he swore to never go back on. Yet, Evan is haunted by the memory of his daughters and the love he's lost. Once they enter the seeming paradise of the alien world, he is the only one who doesn't embrace it. He wants to leave, but he knows the others won't let him go back. Not without a fight, anyway. What ensues is an escape of epic proportions across a landscape and into the heart of an alien world like no other. With the help of Ailya, the maiden creature who is "given" to him, he fights for his life, for the life he left behind. But, when an evil force attacks, brought unwittingly by Farsight 6, the battle evolves into one to save this world; a chance for these fallen men to redeem themselves and reclaim the manhood they forfeited when they chose to leave all behind, to trade it all for Paradisia.