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By Frank Baruch

GENRE: Historical, Drama

To rescue their master (Tensu) from a heavily protected Japanese fortress, an eclectic crew of samurai must test their honor and humility beyond the bounds of their code; or die trying.


Where Komainu Cry is an action heavy martial arts script centered on the exploits and tragic downfall of Master Tensu and his clan. Bound to their master and his code, Tensu’s samurai concoct a miraculous ruse in an attempt to rescue him from a multi-tiered fortress, lest they all commit seppuku for failing him. Where Komainu Cry poses a simple question, how far will a man stretch his own code to rescue his own master?


ACT I. Tandem-Born Lords

Emperor Uchitomo dies without appointing an heir, leaving his twin sons Matsuda and Sugawara to vie and feud for the throne. Caught in the middle is Master Tensu and his band of 40 samurai. Tensu is requisitioned by lord Matsuda on the reward of blood money, however, this doesn't sit well with Tensu feigning his men will be slaughtered in battle. After a quick introduction of the main players including Tensu's first in command Kikiyamo, young Uesugi, pudgy Tanaka, vulgar Nakamura, the opioid addicted Itigaki, drunkard Fujiwara and finally the mute Karahashi; we are treated to an early morning raid.

In defiance of lord Matsuda, Tensu and his samurai raid the enemy encampment and slaughter men in their sleep. We get a little exposition on the sour relationship between Uesugi and Nakamura when Uesugi stops Nakamura from an attempted rape of a disguised female soldier. The alarms are sounded, Sugawara's army is alerted and Tensu's men are compromised by the approaching cavalry. In a desperate attempt to protect his flank, Tensu has Kikiyamo and his men retreat but not before relieving his senninbari to Uesugi. Tensu is knocked out and captured. Fearing their master is dead the remaining samurai contemplate committing seppuku, but not all agree. After some contemplation, an injured cavalryman, who witnessed Tensu's capture, divulges his whereabouts after being tortured.

ACT II. Blood Oath

This act plays out like a heist. Kikiyamo and his men discuss various plans of action from retrieving the Sugawara fortress blueprints by means of intimidation, canvassing the fortress and acquiring the proper attire to pass as Sugawara guards. We get more exposition into Itigaki's broken home with his estranged father Takaatsu and his little sister Hiko, Kikiyamo’s levelheadedness and Nakamura’s vile stubbornness. Kikiyamo swears a blood oath to save his master and in a heartfelt scene of comradery all of his samurai join in the pact.

ACT III. A Clockwork Veneer

Master Tensu is strung up, bound, tortured and interrogated by lord Sugawara himself, in the apex of the Sugawara fortress, but he does not give in. Tensu dazes in and out of consciousness remembering flashbacks of his father. While Tensu is being tortured in the fortress, Kikiyamo and his men prepare to infiltrate. The trap is set and lord Sugawara and his army takes the bait, riding away from the fortress to battle. Kikiyamo almost blows their cover when questioned by a guard stationed in front of the fortress but Tanaka covers for him.

The further they continue into the fortress the more extravagant it becomes. While Kikiyamo and his men infiltrate the fortress, Tensu has his own plan up his sleeve and makes a brazen escape by distracting one of the guards. Kikiyamo and his samurai are questioned by a suspicious guard but this time they are saved by Nakamura, of all people. The guard entreats Nakamura and his men to some food and drink while the more levelheaded men like Kikiyamo, Uesugi and Karahashi continue onto Tensu’s cell.

ACT IV. Honor Unsheathed

As Tensu reunites with his men, Nakamura and his followers are exposed and forced to silence the guards, losing two of their own in the process including Fujiwara. Nakamura regroups with Kikiyamo but before they are allowed to evacuate, Master Tensu is instead made to run a gauntlet for his crimes. Kikiyamo and his samurai are forced to watch and participate as Master Tensu is beaten, berated and slighted at every turn by the Sugawara guards.

Nakamura seemingly takes pleasure in the act as he beats his master senseless. In a state of anger, betrayal and disbelief, Uesugi takes the initiative and rams his katana into Nakamura’s spine, killing his own man. Sugawara’s guards return to duty, disregarding the incident entire. Tensu and his samurai seize their opportunity to escape, but just as they are about to depart, Sugawara and his army return, having sprung the ruse.

ACT V. Where Komainu Cry

Kikiyamo takes command of the fortress but the guards attack and his samurai are left with no choice but to defend themselves. What ensues is an all-out blood bath. Tensu has a majority of his samurai defend the fortress walls while he, Uesugi, Karahaski, Itigaki and Kikiyamo storm the fortress in which they just went to great lengths to escape. While Tensu and his men slowly make their way up the fortress killing everyone in their path, Tanaka and his samurai defend the wall with their lives.

After intense, brutal fighting, Tensu and his men are successful in claiming the fortress and rejoin their fellow comrades to defend the wall but the battle is hopeless. Itigaki is slain by an arrow and dies in Uesugi’s arms. Many of Tensu’s samurai are slain defending the wall. Tensu, Kikiyamo, Uesugi, Tanaka, Karahashi and what’s left of his clan shamble back into the fortress, to a meditation room with an ambiance familiar to Tensu’s flashbacks.

There he explains to Uesugi how with the help of his men he poisoned Lord Uchitomo, thus kicking off a war between the twins Matsuda and Sugawara. Instead of risk being captured, Tensu would rather commit ritual suicide. His warriors agree to join him, including Uesugi until he is made clear of the significance of his survival. The revelation behind his senninbari, a document which proves a true heir, a first born.

Uesugi is forced to say a bitter goodbye to his family as they all commit seppuku. He escapes through a hidden door to the exterior where lord Matsuda’s army is using Kikiyamo’s ruse as an excuse to meet his brother in battle. While the two armies duke it out, Uesugi has a chance encounter with the girl he rescued from Nakamura and they flee the battle. The film ends with Uesugi returning Itigaki’s trinket to Hiko, upon his dying wish, and a flashback sequence with a young Tensu and his father.

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Frank Baruch

Sarah Katz Hey Sarah! Thanks for returning the favor! It is very much in the same vein of The Mandalorian meets Seven Samurai/ Where Eagles Dare.

I hope you find luck shopping around your sci-fi series! Very unique and well written pitch document.

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