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By Greg Wessman

GENRE: Action, Sci-fi, Thriller
LOGLINE: Imagine you die unexpectedly, but instead of going to heaven or “seeing the white light” at the end of some tunnel and meeting your dearly departed relatives, you suddenly awake as if you’ve just had some sort of wild, extremely vivid dream. You see a number of your friends and colleagues casually sitting around you exclaiming, “Wasn’t that awesome?!” You shake it off and realize that what you thought was, living and experiencing an entire life, was nothing but an extremely realistic simulation.


The Pitch: Computer gaming technology in the near future will enable you to experience anything life has to offer via a true Virtual Reality. By purchasing a “scenario” you can plug-in, tune-out, and embark on a wild cyberdelic adventure that is as ‘real’ as one can possibly imagine. You virtually can live through an entirety of a character’s life over the span of a couple of hours and be whoever you've wanted to be, a superhero, secret agent, rock star, a flamboyant lover, anyone. This new virtual reality experience becomes the “drug of the future” and is so highly addictive, as it is near impossible to tell what is a simulation, and what is real life. Synopsis: You are the chief executive of a company that has just perfected a machine that enables the user the option of throwing a switch in one direction, where you are aware that you are just experiencing a highly-detailed virtual scenario. You know “you are you” and have total control of all your actions and can affect all aspects of the situation within the environment of a game. If the switch is thrown in the opposite direction, you now have absolutely no idea that your experience is a simulation, and totally believe it is real life, and you are actually the character acting within the scenario. While in this mode, you have a déjà vu and feel as if you “have been there before”. In actuality, you have, because in any typical video game, you go through levels over and over again until challenging puzzles are solved or some adversary is defeated. This déjà vu is a ‘glitch’ in the system’s software and is the only possible clue you would have, to realize that the experience isn’t real. Until it’s fixed that is. This “Quantum Leap” meets “Jacob’s Ladder”, meets “eXistenZ” is a psychological quasi-metafictional techno-thriller that follows the history of virtually reality, from what we are experiencing today with immersive 3D displays, surround sound, and motion detection, to that of a far-flung future where "just living life" is not that of what we know now. The main character, you, is thrown into a “Slaughter House Five”-esque journey through a disorienting set of sequences, losing all sense of reality of past, present, and future. While remembering only a vague notion about some “glitch” that is somehow, somewhere being fixed, you must grasp onto what is real and ignore that, which is not. Questioning the fabric of life itself, you are totally lost inside a convoluted Möbius set of alternate realities. Can you capture the truth? Are you the one actually fixing the glitch? And if you are successful, will you ever be able to get back to your own true reality? WGAW Registration Number : 1544111

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