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By Tom Norton

GENRE: Historical

During the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale waits for Sydney Herbert to secure more medical supplies for dying soldiers.


Florence Nightingale does her nightly routine of checking on wounded and dying soldiers with her lamp. Some men want to marry her and others believe she is an angel. Frustrated by the conditions and rapidly rising death toll, she writes to Sydney Herbert and begs him to send more food, water and equipment. Sydney's wife, Elizabeth, personally visits to see the situation for herself.

Whilst waiting for the supplies to arrive, Florence tries to teach Fanny, her least experienced nurse who gets bullied by her most experienced, Eliza Roberts. During this time, one of the very few female patients, a prostitute named Clara, realises that she is dying. Seeing how terrified the young prostitute is of death, Florence reveals that she believes in universal reconciliation, telling Clara that she will get to heaven despite her sins because of God's love and mercy. Clara selflessly tells her to focus on the dying men instead of her.

As more men die, Fanny starts getting overwhelmed by the responsibilities and Eliza's harsh treatment. When Sydney arrives with the medical supplies, Florence asks him to personally escort Fanny to Koulali, admitting that she is not the right teacher for her. Shortly after Sydney and Fanny leave, Eliza gleefully tells Florence that the newspapers are calling her The Lady With The Lamp.

Centuries later, a nurse who was inspired by Florence Nightingale reads the old newspaper before going to bed.


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Tasha Lewis

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Robert Sacchi

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Robert Sacchi

Good historical premise.

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