Logan Pham's Lounge Discussions

Maeve ThunderChild
Screenwriter, Novelist, Graphic Designer, etc.

Hi, Everyone! -- I don't get in here often but just wanted to stop by to wish everyone a wonderful weekend! Peace...

Jason Mirch

Hey Maeve ThunderChild! Always love seeing you in the mix! And I am so glad that we're connected here. Keep it rolling my friend!

Maeve ThunderChild

Gotta, Jason Mirch -- can't stop the flow!

Maurice Vaughan

Have a wonderful, creative week, Maeve ThunderChild and everyone!

Maeve ThunderChild

Thanks, Maurice Vaughan - you too! I'm working on a concept reel for my feature right now. What is anyone else up to?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Maeve ThunderChild. What genre is your feature film? I'm pitching scripts and waiting to start a writing job.

Logan Pham
My Introduction

Hi everyone! My name is Hong-An also known as HP (yes, like the tech company of the same name) and I’m an aspiring composer for Film/TV.

Over the years I’ve come to love so many things about film. The depth of the script and the way dialogue is written, to actors’ subtle expressions and behaviors, t...

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Karen "Kay" Ross

Great to meet you, Logan Pham, and welcome to the community! Oh, cool - composing is such a powerful part of the finished project!

Ooo, great film to pick as a favorite. I was talking about Spike Jonz...

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Logan Pham

Thank you for the warm welcome Karen! I will definitely peruse the Lounges and connect there!

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