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By Curt Fulster

GENRE: Animation, Adventure

A young duo needs to find a mythical weapon that will take them through some very different worlds before they can defeat a monster in the clouds, but who will the real hero of the story be?


A young boy and girl begin their search to find some clues that will lead them to a mythical weapon that can stop a large creature that is rumored to be so large its body is hidden in the clouds. They begin their search on a pirate-like ship when they meet a goofy, but rough crew. After receiving the first crew, they understand why no one has ever gotten past the first clue. The pirate-like people have been at odds with the Atlantean-esk creatures for decades, and the first clue, held by the pirates, points to going down into the Atlantean-esk kingdom.

After calling upon some friends, the young duo is able to make it down into the Atlantean-esk kingdom, where they find the second clue along with an intimidating, enormous crab/octopus-like creature. After the girl is able to steal the clue, the duo returns to the surface to find out where they must go next.

After checking out the second clue, the duo realizes they need to get to the top of the mountain on "Shark Island." After getting to the island and climbing to the top of "Fin Mountain," they discover what they believe is the mythical weapon, but there's an issue. Nothing happens when they pick up the weapon and it's not able to be used. Suddenly, a Gargoyle like creature appears and gives then a third clue stating that, "they're only halfway there." They discover they have only found half of the mythical weapon.

While the duo begins searching for the other half of the weapon, they discover the pirate-like crew battling the sky-high spider, as the creature has already demolished their ship and they are struggling to stay alive against it. The duo tries helping but can't do too much to help, until the young boy realizes exactly what the final clue means. He sacrifices himself fighting the spider creature in order to get the other half of the weapon for the girl. The young girl joins the two halves of the weapon, and it turns into a very powerful way to defeat the spider. As the girl is able to take control of "Shark Island" and uses it to eat the giant spider and save everyone around them.

As the good guys win, the girl questions who the true hero of the story was, her or her friend?

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