Carlos Rojas: Singer, dancer and actor in Romeoville, Illinois.

Carlos Rojas

Thanks for the connection

Sumit Srivastava

Pleasure is always mine. Be well, stay in touch n keep rocking !!! :)

Carlos Rojas

Thanks for the connection¡¡¡

Alverne Ball

Looking forward to what the future might bring!

Carlos Rojas

Thank you for the connection¡¡¡

Kathy Jean

Hello, Carlos, and thank you! It's a pleasure.

Carlos Rojas

Thanks for adding me¡¡¡

Carlos Rojas

Thanks for the connection¡¡¡

Carlos Rojas

Thanks for the connection¡¡¡

richard kohn

Do you work in NYC.?

Carlos Rojas

Actually right now I'm Bolivia,but I would love to work there someday

Carlos Rojas

Thanks for the connection!!!

Carlos Rojas

Thank you the connection¡¡¡

Carlos Rojas

Thanks for the connection¡¡¡

Carlos Rojas

Thanks for the connection Nathan¡¡¡

Carlos Rojas

Thank you for the connection¡¡¡

Carlos Rojas

Thanks for the connection¡¡

Spike Thurbon

Hey Carlos, likewise. Spike

Carlos Rojas

Thank you for the connection¡¡¡

Anil Agnihotri

Warm Welcome Carlos

Carlos Rojas

Thanks for the connection Scott¡¡¡

Scott Kawczynski

Thanks much. Best of luck with everything. Scott If you do the social media thing, please follow my film on Facebook - and me on twitter - https://...

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Carlos Rojas

Thanks for the connection¡¡

Leni Smoragdova

Dear Carlos, for this moment I'm looking an agent who will sell my art, dictributor for my films and a manager for my art-show transaction, maybe you know somebody? Thank you Leni...

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Carlos Rojas

Carlos Rojas in ¨Les Miserables¨ LA REVISTA UNITEL

After perfoming in the successful reality ¨YO ME LLAMO¨. The Bolivian artist Carlos Rojas makes an appearance as part of the cast of ALL THAT JAZZ, with the production LES MISERABLES The Musical

Carlos Rojas

Thanks for the connection Ron¡¡¡

Carlos Rojas

Thanks for the connection Stevie¡¡¡

Chris Goodwin

Thanks for the network request, how are you?

Carlos Rojas

Nice meeting you Chris¡¡ I´m fine...working on a thesis project and just weeks before performing in a musical

Chris Goodwin

Good luck with your thesis and the musical.

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scott smith
Eric Steiner
Teri Jo Marie Rask
David Roberts
David Mc Intosh
Adolphe Herard
Steven James Wandling
Lane Wyrick
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