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ELLEN STANTON, is the director of Green Gables Senior home in the countryside of Connecticut. She brings her autistic 6 yr old son, DANIEL STANTON, to work with her whenever she can. Ellen's optimism for Daniel living a normal life is brought out by having spent time with a patient at Green Gables, LOU PEPPER. Lou is an 90 yr. old who believes that he has lead the lives of famous people, especially the life of Lou Gehrig. He teaches Daniel how to play baseball every chance he gets and insists that Daniel will be a great player one day. Lou is close with LAWRENCE JACKSON, a feisty 90b yr. old African-American. Lou always talks with Lawrence about his days of playing baseball with Babe Ruth. They both plan on making it back to Yankee Stadium to see a baseball game one last time. Through his love of baseball and vitality for life, Lou touches the lives of those around him at Green Gables and inspires a few miracles as well.