Lee Forgang's Lounge Discussions

Anna Sahlstrom
La Famille

Hi all, I just finished my script, La Famille, and I'm very proud to have completed it. In short, this is the recounting of a Cajun woman's family history. Dawn, the main character, tells the stories of the strong women of her family to her younger daughter, Samantha, on the occasion of her 60th bir...

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Kerry Douglas Dye

Congratulations on the completed script!

Anna Sahlstrom

Now edited and better than ever.

Kalisa Moore

Hey Ana, at this point I just want to say Congratulations on your script and definitely keep it moving!....I don't have too many suggestions as I am also working on getting one of my specs off the gro...

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Lee Forgang

I read the script. Geat story!

Rick Hardin
Are historical films becoming more popular?

Much of the “How to become a screenwriter” info out there says that historical films are almost imposable to sell and get produced. However in the last few years there seems to be a lot of historical films being produced some of which have become Oscar nominees and winners. Just look at the last fou...

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Tabitha Baumander

The thing to remember about something like a "what's going to sell " handbook no mater what the subject that it can take forever to write and get the thing published and by the time its on the shelf f...

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York Davis

I like your comment about telling an historical story economically. Trouble is I think part of the audience enjoyment of this genre is seeing the costumes, surroundings and manners/mannerisms of anoth...

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Ralph Barnette

The Brits and a many others have a much longer theater history, so settings, costumes and props appropriate to historical tales are more ingrained in the culture. Take a look at Spielburgh's Amistad;...

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York Davis

Yes Ralph, 12 Years A Slave had excellent costuming, as did of course Lincoln, a movie I like very much. Generally I think the Brits have the edge in historical romances and dramas. With my 2 historical scripts, I'm entering Brit. competitions and am almost ready to pitch to producers there.

Joseph Shellim

Like Biblical films, the historical genre appears to resurrect periodically with upgraded technology and new spin directors. Like Spielberg's Lincoln and Cameron's Titanic. However, historical edition...

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