Texas State University

Texas State University

Texas State University

Texas State University is a college located in San Marcos, Texas.

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At least 63 Stage 32 members have attended Texas State University:
Paul Dubiel

Paul Dubiel

Cinematographer, Director and Producer from New Braunfels, Texas
Ashley Gipson

Ashley Gipson

From Houston, Texas
Kristine Ortiz

Kristine Ortiz

Makeup Artist from Austin, Texas
Olivia de Chermont

Olivia de Chermont

Student from Carrollton, Texas
Samantha Thompson

Samantha Thompson

Actor, Costumer and Director from San Marcos, Texas
Reagan Lewis

Reagan Lewis

Actor, Crafty and Dancer from Austin, Texas
Raeshelle Rose

Raeshelle Rose

Screenwriter and Production Assistant from Garland, Texas
Kelly Matthews

Kelly Matthews

Actor, Foley Artist and Producer from Glendale, California
Derek DeBruyn

Derek DeBruyn

Screenwriter and Actor from Inglewood, California
Mitchell Slan

Mitchell Slan

Director, Producer and Creative Executive from Los Angeles, California
Alexis Casso

Alexis Casso

Actor from Los Angeles, California
Obryant Muralles

Obryant Muralles

Actor, Camera Operator and Editor from Van Nuys, Los Angeles County, California
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