The Stage 32 Videos: Ball


INTRODUZIONE Jack Jones ha cinquantasette anni. I ricordi di suo padre che raccontava gli orrendi sofferenze e le perdite umane lo tormentano ancora oggi. Erano gli eventi catastrofici che hanno inferto un colpo mortale al cuore della piccola comunità mineraria nella sua città natale di Aberfan, in Galles, nell'ottobre 1966. La dura vita e le malattie polmonari nelle miniere di carbone hanno spinto la sua famiglia a tentare la fortuna a Salford, una città nella Grande Manchester dove la passione per il calcio è onnipresente. Il Manchester Old Boys è la sua squadra, con il Liverpool come secondo favorito, certamente allora. Inoltre, Jack è traumatizzato e perseguitato dagli eventi tragici di Hillsborough che ha vissuto di persona il 15 aprile 1989. Molti di coloro che sono sopravvissuti sono diventati quadriplegici. La loro sofferenza va oltre il fisico. Come molti altri, non vengono mai ascoltati adeguatamente e certamente non si aspettano mai orecchie comprensive dai proprietari dei club, che spesso risiedono all'estero. Il controllo del club sarebbe il massimo dei sogni, ma questo è ben al di fuori e al di là delle possibilità di tutti. Come semplice operaio di fabbrica, Jack non ha né i mezzi né l'influenza, e certamente non possiede le capacità negoziali necessarie. Con solo pochi giorni di vita rimasti a Fiona, la famiglia amica morente di Jack, fa una solenne promessa alla sua amica morente; fare del suo meglio per correggere ciò che non va nella gestione del Manchester Old Boys club, e occuparsi del figlio unico Peter, anch'egli paraplegico. Ed è proprio questo impegno che finalmente lo spinge all'azione. Mentre è in viaggio d'affari in Giappone con il sindaco, il figlio di Jack, Oliver, incontra fortunosamente un "cavaliere bianco" giapponese - Masaaki Fukada. È l'amministratore delegato di Tokusaka, un enorme conglomerato di Tokyo. È un grande amante delle icone britanniche e sempre in cerca di acquisizioni, niente meno che il Manchester Old Boys Football Club. Fedele alla sua parola, con l'aiuto di Jack e Oliver, le tasche profonde di Fukada fanno la loro parte. Recupera il controllo degli Old Boys dai Clayton. E mette i tifosi del Manchester al timone del loro club, aiutando Jack a realizzare la sua aspirazione da tempo desiderata alleviando parte della sofferenza.


LOGLINE After two years of clandestine maneuvers manipulating share prices, a Manchester hero and a Japanese white knight seize control of the world's most famous football club, entrusting it to its core devoted fans. INTRODUCTION Jack Jones is fifty-seven. The memories of his father recounting the horrendous suffering and human loss torment him to this day. They were the catastrophic events that drove a dagger in the heart of the little mining community in his home town of Aberfan, Wales, in October 1966. The hard life and lung disease in the coal mines made his family try its luck in Salford, a city in Greater Manchester where football passion is omnipresent. Manchester Old Boys is his team, with Liverpool being a second favourite, certainly then. Furthermore, Jack is traumatised and haunted by the tragic events of Hillsborough that he witnessed first-hand on 15th April 1989. Many of those who survived ended up being quadriplegic. Their suffering is beyond physical. Like many others, they are constantly denied the satisfaction in attending weekly matches to watch their favourite football team in action. These folks are hardly ever listened to properly, and most certainly no sympathetic ears are ever expected from the owners of the clubs, who often reside overseas. Control of the club would be the ultimate of dreams, but this is well outside and beyond everybody’s means. As a simple factory worker, Jack neither has the means nor the clout, and certainly he does not possess the negotiation skills required. With only a few days left in Fiona’s life, Jack makes a solemn promise to his dying family friend; to do his best to right what is wrong with the Manchester Old Boys club management, and look after her only son Peter, himself a paraplegic. And this commitment is what finally triggers him into action. While on a business trip to Japan with the Mayor, Jack’s son Oliver fortuitously meets a Japanese ‘white knight’ — Masaaki Fukada. He is the CEO of Tokusaka, a huge Tokyo conglomerate. He happens to be a great lover of British icons and always in search of acquisitions, none less than the Manchester Old Boys Football Club. True to his word, with the help of Jack and Oliver, Fukada’s deep pockets do the talking. He claws back control of the Old Boys from the Claytons. And he puts the Manchester fans at the helm of their club, helping Jack achieve his long-held aspiration relieving some of the suffering.

Game 3 - Johnson vs. Churchill Hype Video

Johnson is undefeated after a 38-09 shutout! This game was definitely more difficult than usual since it started at 11am in the Texas heat. I definitely wasn't at my creative best this game in the heat with a rumbling stomach. I also don't have any ND filters that fit my lense (I've been using the 18-150mm that comes with the Canon R7, and since its a crop sensor that can do a 4k crop, it works great), so I had to close my aperture up a lot. My camera didn't overheat though despite being in direct sun for a few hours recording 4k 60 for most of the game. I also think I got my shutter speed down this game, it doesn't look as blurry as when I did 2x. its sharper, and the motion blur still looks pretty fluid. So yeah interesting game, it was definitely a bit wonky but I still got some awesome shots I love (like bro the heat waves in the kick off!?!, or just any of the pre drop stuff).

Game 2 - Johnson vs. O'Connor Hype Video

Game 2, a 47-21 win for Johnson! For this video I was able to get locker room access before the game started and used audio from the head coach's speech. I really like using coach speeches for the videos, I feel like it makes them more personal and have more energy so this one was also super fun. I don't think I did the best job managing the nat sounds from the actual game, but I wanted to highlight the speech more.

Game 1 - Johnson vs. Judson

First game of the season! Johnson won the game 24-21 with a field goal in the last 5 seconds! It was a really fun game, but I had some troubles getting into the groove when filming, but I think this one turned out beautifully.

Doritos Football color

Recolored this Doritos commercial that I shot several years ago for their Super Bowl competition. Looks quite a bit better.
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