Posted by Richard "RB" Botto

Happy first Sunday of 2018, everyone.  Excited to bring you the first Coffee & Content of the new year.

If you're not familiar with Coffee & Content, it's a weekly blog (schedule permitting) where I share with you some of the cool material I've consumed over the previous week.  My goal is to inspire and motivate.  All I ask in return is that you share the content through your social media channels or via email with those you think would benefit. 

Now...Some of you do that every week and some of you never do it at all.  I thank the former group, but ask the latter to embrace the spirit of collaboration in 2018 and be as giving as humanly possible.  I promise you, it will make you feel fantastic and sow the seeds of new relationships.  Trust me.

This week, I have 2 videos I think you'll truly enjoy.  First, Sean Baker, he of the iPhone filmed Tangerine and Oscar hopeful The Florida Project talks all things screenwriting and directing.  Sean is perhaps the poster child for this DIY filmmaking and content creation world we're living in today.  If he doesn't inspire you to get out there and do it (no excuses!), no one will.

Next up, I have a terrific video for all our lighters and framers out there called Composition & Framing in Cinematography.  Whether you've been shooting for years or planning on picking up a camera for the first time in 18, there's something here for you.

Enjoy the content!




Sean Baker on Screenwriting and Directing

Composition & Framing in Cinematography

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