Posted by Stephanie Palmer

Are you ready to walk “into the room” and pitch to a decision-maker such as an agent, financier, producer, distributor or studio executive?

Here are the top ten pitching tips to help you in a high-stakes situation. There are 5 Do’s and 5 Don’ts:


1) Do prepare for the five stages of the meeting.

  • In Stage 1, you build rapport and warm up the room.
  • In Stage 2, you ask questions and listen to show respect.
  • In Stage 3, you deliver the prepared component of your pitch.
  • In Stage 4, you deliver the “improvised” component of your pitch.
  • In Stage 5, you ask for one thing if necessary and leave on a good note.

2) Do not talk about who has been attached, was considering, or has been interested in the project. This is equivalent to saying, “Here is a list of people who have already passed.”


3) Do not “get down to business.” Instead, take the time to make small-talk and get to know the decision-maker first. Remember, business is personal.


4) Do not “wing” your pitch. Consider preparation techniques such as writing your pitch out by hand, pitching on video and then watching your performance, and taking a practice meeting with a friend.


5) Do lead with genre. Specifically, the first few words of your pitch should be something like, “This project is a (GENRE)….”


Want to see all 10 steps? Click here!



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