Posted by Rashika R

I hope all of you are well and looking forward to making some pretty amazing connections on Stage 32!

I am a mother of three girls, one and a half college grads, and a little Einstein. My eldest is an entrepreneur and teaches influencers how to grow, increase leads, and sustainability. My middle child attends SCAD and has been in more films than I’ve ever written. My baby girl has mastered 2D, 3D, and all things technical more than mommy and preparing to do some work for Crunchyroll.

I didn’t share that to chat about my children. I’ve done so as a reminder of how important education is. My girls wouldn’t be experiencing their dream careers at such young ages without solid foundations. Now that they’re on their way it’s my time.

When I joined Stage 32, I’d made the decision to get serious about my writing career. I honestly didn’t know what that actually meant but I was ready. Before diving into the festivals, webinars, and all of the wonderful services, I went directly to the success stories. Time is irreplaceable so I needed to be sure I was utilizing mine well. By the time I got to the fourth story, I was sold on the platform.

I was pumped! I created a schedule to write and rewrite. I located Stage 32 Instagram and started following it so I wouldn’t miss out on a thing. I was all in when someone said, “be careful, you can blow a lot of money trying to get someone to look at your stuff.” That should have deflated me, right? The hell if it did! I thought, all of the cash I’ve shucked out for my children’s education and you think I’m going to forget about myself, bye Felicia! Investing in my education is just as important! It was time for this spicy mama to win!

I’ve learned more from Stage 32 education than I did in film school, no bull. And made more connections online during the pandemic shut down than I did when I was traveling to LA and Atlanta for projects.

It also hasn’t cost me a fortune. The platform was created with positive intent. The collaborative initiative has bolstered so many opportunities. There are a plethora of amazing resources and like a business, a good plan of action can increase successful results.

“Stage 32 is Meets LinkedIn For Film, Television, and Theater Creatives.”

- Forbes


How to Maximize Your Entertainment Career with Stage 32


So where do you start when you’re new to all of this?

It’s About You

After joining, create a bio. Tell everyone who you are and what you do. An updated bio makes it easier for members to connect. Without it, you’re just an image. I’m not sure about anyone else, but I’m less likely to be interested in who you are when all I see is your picture staring at me. This is a great space to humbly brag, so go for it. You’ve worked hard. You’re here for a reason. Make it count!

Introduce Yourself

Introduce Yourself Weekends are once a month on Stage 32 in the Introduce Yourself Lounge. The next Introduce Yourself Weekend is happening right now!

Take a deep breath and go for it. Share one or two sentences with a few details about you and your creative goals. I’ve been a member for over six years and continue to pop in to say hello and e-meet new members. I can spend well over an hour chatting/networking. It’s a great conversation starter and perfect for introverts.

Introductions create follows. Follows can create leads. You’re probably planning to Netflix and Chill. Why not meet and greet on Stage 32 before you get started!


How to Maximize Your Entertainment Career with Stage 32


Lounges on Stage 32

Locate a comfortable space. Pop into a Stage 32 lounge of your artistic choice. From animation, acting, and screenwriting, to filmmaking, post production, financing, and more - there is a Stage 32 lounge with thousands of members ready to chat with you about your chosen craft.

If you’re not ready to participate, no worries, reading the comments is inspiring. The lounges are very similar to college discussion boards, but they’re free! They’re so simple to navigate and the creatives are super helpful, respectful, and offer great advice. You’re not being graded so no pressure, we’re all in this together.


Layout A Budget

It doesn’t matter how much you make. It’s all about how you spend it.

It’s very easy to get excited and want to be a part of every festival, webinar, pitch service, writer’s room, etc. That is all good. Your head is in the right place my friend. And there’s no such thing as blowing your money here because the return value is exceptional.

When you are a creative you are an Entrepreneur.

Create a monthly schedule that maps out what you want, when you want it, and how much you’re planning to invest. This helps you see where your money is going and stay on track with your goals. I call mine the Power Play just to make it fun and because I’m a huge risk-taker!


How to Maximize Your Entertainment Career with Stage 32


Four P’s For Successful Outcome On Stage 32 And Life!

Process: Take some time to review the site.

Plan: Make a list of what you’d like to gain. (and give)

Prioritize: Prioritize your goals. (what’s most important to focus on)

Proceed: Once you’re organized, jump in.

I am a storyteller with hopes of changing the world. We are creatives giving back to provide peace, love, diversity, mystery, triumph, adversity, and soul. Keep growing, learning, and honing your craft.

Let's hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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