Posted by Richard "RB" Botto

Jacked up on some serious Ethiopian dark roast this morning.  Pretty jacked up about the content as well.

On this fine Sunday, I'm bringing you two fantastic videos I think you might want to watch more than once.

First up, lessons from the script of the original Blade Runner.  The sequel is now upon us and it seems as good a time as any to revisit what made BR work and why it's had such a lasting influence not only for film geeks, but for those writing sci-fi as well.

Next, a little Joseph Campbell homage as we take a look at a supercut of heroes (and their respective journeys) throughout cinema history. 

Hope you enjoy them both!  And, of course, I hope you'll pay it forward by sharing this blog on your other social media channels and also post a comment or two for discussion or debate below.

Have a terrific and creative day!



The Hero's Journey - Supercut


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