Just in case you're not aware, every week I've been uploading a new video to the Stage 32 YouTube page in order to keep you up to date with everything that's happening with the Stage 32 community. In this week's video, I'm very excited to introduce the super dope Tiegen Kosiak who will be talking about her recent success story thanks to Stage 32.
Tiegen is a producer based in LA and worked as the previous director of development over at Cinestar Pictures (Zoe Saldana’s production company). She is also the founder of Young Hollywood Mafia, which is one of the biggest entertainment networking groups in the Los Angeles area.
You can go to our YouTube channel to watch her talk about how finding Peter’s script through our pitching services landed them a development deal with Sony through the link below! Goes to show how far networking and creating your own projects will take you!
Get out there, meet people, keep creating and master your craft.
Head on over to the Stage 32 YouTube page to watch this (and our other recent videos if you've missed any) and make sure to subscribe to get the latest updates!
Don't forget to subscribe to get the latest updates on our videos as they're released!
About Joseph Dinh:
I am currently a Psychology student at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, and have recently finished my internship with Zaza Productions. I write and act, with an emphasis on comedy. I'd love to collaborate with other people and work on projects together, so hit me up if you need help or just want someone to work with! Feel free to check out my work on my reel.
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