Posted by Richard "RB" Botto

What’s up, Creative Army!

Over the last few months, I’ve seen an uptick in questions sent to me here, on Instagram, and on Twitter revolving around the subject of overcoming imposter syndrome. As creatives – which, as I always say, makes us entrepreneurs – we are constantly dealing with executives and gatekeepers questioning our decisions and our creative choices. For those hanging out on broad based social media platforms, you deal with a constant barrage of “experts” and those more then willing to tell you you’re doing everything wrong. And even if you’re doing everything right, rejection in a part of the daily process.

I can certainly understand why many creatives feel they are not worthy of standing in the middle of the area and letting their attentions be known.

But I’m here to tell you, you are worthy. Because worthiness is a mindset. And your mind is the only one you and control and the only one that matters.

So let’s crush imposter syndrome once and for all. In my latest article for Medium – You are Worthy! 4 Ways You Can Overcome Imposter Syndrome – I’ll show you how to get rid of those feelings once and for all.




Click Here to Read You are Worthy! 4 Ways You Can Overcome Imposter Syndrome

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Creative



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