Stage 32 is excited to welcome Bobby for this upcoming webinar! In this webinar, you will learn how to develop your unscripted series to become the next global phenomenon and how to best position your project in today's unscripted television marketplace. You don't want to miss this :-)
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Thanks, Sydney S. I'm pitching an unscripted show. I'll check this out.
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Maurice Vaughan :)
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The unscripted marketplace is gigantic and has no end in sight. It’s a great way for producers and creatives to get shows into production. And formats can be an ongoing revenue stream like few other content offerings. What a great webinar!
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Really excited to host this webinar and share some tricks, tools, and techniques for developing unscripted shows!
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Your webinar was EXCELLENT, Bobby. Thank you for your time and expertise!
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Thanks for the info and insight in your webinar, Mr. Gomez. It was very helpful.