Greetings everyone...I was informed yesterday that one of my songs has ben chosen to be part of a CD series for a country singer. Aside from getting master, release to indie radio stns.& cable networks, percentage of sales, global distribution , etc. There is a fee for the recording/release. They are a reputable but middle of the road company, but I don't don't what is the going rate for recording???????Can anyone help me out with some feedback...Greatly appreciated.......I want to cover my ars..............thanx.
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From everything I've read, a songwriter should NEVER be asked to pay for the recording and release of one of her songs. If you are, it is almost assuredly a scam. In a deal that is on the up-and-up, the record label is taking a chance on your song, so they are going to front the money. Please check out this great site for all kinds of related info: It is no bad reflection on your songwriting skills, of course, but I would stay far away from this outfit and their "deal". You deserve better, and should be able to get it. Don't give up! ~Paul
Paul, many thanx for responding...Yeah, it's dead n the water by the PUBLISHER. WE exchanged about 4 e mails which were lengthy on his end and how I was confusing publishing with recording. I think I was suspicious from the start but I'm sure you understand whether being an actor or song-wriiter or both, when you get the bait, you want to be hooked , because it's been so long & you've toiled forever. This was the publisher NOT the record company. However, I agree iwth you 100%, and it came down to a blend of suspicion & wishing thinking..........Oh, believe me Paul....I don't give up.....I'm a stubborn S.O.B. -"ette".......Thank you for the link....something ends, something begins..............and here I go AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think it's always a scam when a publisher or label asks you (the artist/ songwriter) for money. You just have to make sure that they are investing as well. In one scenario, a major label invested 100k in an artist and the artist invested 100k as well, and they worked in partnership. Don't be afraid to invest in your own art. You should, if you believe in it. But don't get screwed over in the contract also, of course - see the details to protect your interests
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Yes, Johanna, trust your instincts and definitely do as much research as you can. That web site is invaluable! Learn as much as you can. Normally, a publisher's job is simply to shop your music on your behalf to labels, producers, even film makers, in exchange for your publishing rights. You almost never want to give up your copyright, and rarely should have to give up your publisher rights unless your publisher bought them from you ahead of time. I have never heard of a professional publisher asking you for money for the recording or distribution. So MY feeling is that you did the right thing. Keep us all at stage32 informed about your successes and even your near misses! As a songwriter myself, I really wish for you the best of luck! ~Paul
The publisher was in Tennessee, and had their own independent record co. which their artists record under. The thing that got me was that one of the "perks" was that they gave you 90 cd's to promote & sell even though you would get $4% of the record sales. I told him I'm not in a position to promote 90 cd's.(what am I going to do w/them ?) That in itself turned me off..........So who knows.....I'm in a different mindset already....I know 30 years ago, I used to pound the pavement for publishers. Now, they won't receive unsolicited stuff or you have to go through "somebody"....I don't mean to go on & on.....Thanx again for taking the time & if at all, you know of any publishers willing to listen, please let me know as I will also check out your link & others........Be well Paul............................
I have looked around a little myself, recently. There are a lot of small (boutique) publishing companies, which are more open to new, "unproven" talent, but they're generally not as well connected to the people you need to reach. Naturally, the well-connected publishing companies are in a position only to go with songwriters who have a track-record and a catalog of great songs. To fill the gap, several organizations have sprung up that claim to be connected to top-end labels and producers, and which accept a fee from songwriters for the service of forwarding your songs on to their clients who are looking for a particular sound. Among them are,, and the most widely reputable that I have heard of, It's up to you as to whether or not you think that's a good service for you. Your money gets your stuff heard, and their clients come because they get music to evaluate that is free and pre-screened (by virtue of your seriousness in being willing to pay a fee, and in some cases also by a literal pre-screening process by the provider). From what I've heard, if you are really good, and prolific, you can do well with these companies. Otherwise, it may not be worth your investment. Let me know how it goes! Paul
OH, thanks Paul. The only one I've heard of from long ago is Taxi and they didn't have a great reputation for making things happen at that time........I will check out the other though and definitely will let you know........You're very kind to take this time .....In this day & age not very many people are so gracious.....It's appreciated.........Until the next chapter.....
Congrats!!!! Awesome!
Durand, the deal was squashed by the publisher who had his own indep. record co., because he wanted over $2000 for his artist to record one of my songs on a album she was planning. There were a lot of perks involved, but in the end there was no guarantee of the sales venue...........I didn't have any such funds, so he politely backed out and that's that.........At least I have the comfort in knowing that my song made an impression......................Thank you so much for your intended congrats!!!!Hopefully another situation will fall into place..................
Johanna Love, I am sorry to heard but like you say, It made an impression, and other are noticing...
yes, it's sickening.......But at least my gut feeling of being suspicious outweighed my wishful thinking...................That's a very precarious fence to sit on Paul.........
...and I have the splinters to prove it!
TOUCHE!!!!!!!!.........stay tuned!!!!
Johanna, I'm happy for you that the deal was squashed. Good riddance to them. Go with your gut & have a trustworthy entertainment attorney help you.
Hi Jonanna, I got your mesage, and I've also read the previous posts in this discussion. A legitimate, reputable publisher will NEVER charge a fee simply to publish your music. That's a automatic scam, or at least a very shady deal. Publishers earn their income through royalties & license fees as negotiated in the contract, NOT from charging money upfront. When I lived in Nashville, I was a staff writer for one of the top publishers in the industry -- a fantastic experience AND solid education. While there, I was fortunate enough to learn a lot about the "business end" of the business :-) Anyway, sorry this was a disappointing situation for you, but trust me it's for the best. You avoided a total rip-off and gained some new knowledge along the way... Best wishes in your continued pursuits!
Thank you for replying with feedback Steve. I do have to say that this "gentlemen" did say there was no cost for the publishing. The fee was for the recording which is what I found disturbing. Then giving me 90 cd's to sell & promote..... And all he kept doing was including links of other co,'s and what they charged and how his price was giving me more value than the others..................yes, it was disappointing, but over a 30 year span, I"ve had my share..........(It would be nice to sell 1, though)...Hey, I'm human..So yes, I agree it was shady nonetheless, and I"m better off without it and because of it. As you say, I"ve lived & learned........Thank you again for your honesty & insight.................keep the lines open......J.