Introduce Yourself : Writer-Producer-Director and also part of the Stage 32 industry executives for Happy Writers by Laura Woodworth

Laura Woodworth

Writer-Producer-Director and also part of the Stage 32 industry executives for Happy Writers

Theme. I've done several script and book-to-screen consultations the past few weeks and find myself encouraging writers to really hone in on their theme to help guide them in the narrative story line. How about you? is theme easy for you to nail down or difficult?

Zenobia Kloppers

Hi Laura :)! I've been an academic writer analysing literature and films for literature study since 2004. Developing themes and looking at relationships and possible symbolism is second nature. The learning curve for me has been to write visually. I've written stage plays but am writing my first screenplay.. Such a wonderfully exciting process! Thank you for all the support you and your team provide!

Laura Woodworth

Best of success on this new writing journey! So nice to meet you.

Christian Nommay

It took me years to finally be able to do it. I used to start working on my stories without having a theme, and it made my writing difficult. But now, themes are an integral part of my writing process.

Edward Skirtich

Hi Laura- Just go for it. Have a message in the film- faith, hope, love, encouragement- beat the bully, etc. Keep it going. Peace- Ed Skirtich

John Ellis

All my stories, regardless of genre or medium, start with a fundamental question about the human condition, the theme. Every aspect of the story - plot, characters, etc. - either reflects that question or answers it (positive or negative). Without a preachy word!

From the theme, all other choices flow: setting, MC/POV character (not always the same), story points and so on.

I find this approach gives the story a subtle cohesion that really makes it a joy to write (and hopefully to read/film)!

Felene Cayetano

I've come to a place where the primary theme is before me as I write to keep me from chasing lesser themes - if there's a deadline.

Melody Mundy

Love this trailer and the concept is funny. I can see this. Can't wait to put together a trailer, shoot, can't wait to put together a sizzle reel.

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