No one is buying original screenplays!
No one cares about anything but IP!
Yet, here is another original screenplay spec sale - the first sale for these 2 previously unknown writers. And, as mentioned in other threads, 3 of the top 4 highest grossing films in the specialty box office the last 2 weeks - meaning independent film box office - are based on original screenplays.
Stop listening to the gloom and doomers and the uninformed. Shut out the noise, get your work out there and control as much of the process as you can.
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Exciting news, Richard "RB" Botto! A24 is one of my dream companies to work with. Finish those specs, writers!
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"Stop listening to the gloom and doomers and the uninformed." class comment!
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Sadly, many are influenced easily, John Kennedy. Gotta stay out of the negativity pool - especially true of broad based social media platforms - and assure that you're following informed, experienced voices.
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When the studios play safe and repeat the same a lot the audience wanders off the inde freshness.
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Audience for indie film has grown substantially over the last 12 months Wal Friman. And at Cannes this year both in the market and in the festival, original indie fare ruled the day. Those staying plugged in and getting those line in the water will reap the rewards.
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Major kudos to A24 for consistently betting on new talent. They obviously have quite a bit to show for it.
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They're fearless in their approach, David Michael Kelly. Not only from a talent/material standpoint, but in their marketing and distribution tactics. Many are emulating their model which will only benefit those writing original screenplays and the indie film market in general.
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Maurice Vaughan ah! mine also :)) I made some research and they are on my top list! let’s cross fingers for us my friend and if our dream come true, we’ll make a Stage 32 party :))
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Sounds great, Sandra Isabel Correia! Script Sale Celebration Party at Stage 32!
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Don’t believe in everything your hear! it’s a saying we have in my country and you are right Richard "RB" Botto . I believe A24 are looking to make it different and that is a big competitive advantage. To first time screenwriters and original ones, it’s an opportunity to explore, takes time, resilience, motivation, but in the end, it can be a goal to be real. A24 it’s on my top list for my screenplay and I am working to have the best draft until the day my opportunity arrives :))
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Yeahhhh Maurice Vaughan it’s a deal :))
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I have an original script that has been officially selected for four international festivals, is a quarter finalist in the Emerging Screenwriters Suspense Competition and is not in the top 30% on Coverfly, is it worth starting to query with this script or should I wait for it to have better results? Thank you in advance!
What do you mean?
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There is light at the end of the tunnel... I just hope it isn't a train.
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This is really encouraging to hear! It's a great reminder to focus on creating and sharing our original work and look forward!
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One of the things coming out of Cannes was that original scripts are on the rise and that existing IP is not as in demand as it was.
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Definitely was the theme at Cannes this year, Tom Lapke. Seemed to be a part of every conversation I had there.
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The manner of production and time it takes to release films gives a false impression of what's coming up... original IP all the way, A24 have successfully proved it along with other studios. Here's to tomorrows films !
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And man, everyone is trying to emulate the A24 model only in different genres, which, of course, is a great thing.
I have screenplays for Disney. Is there a way any of you could help me with sharing them with Disney.
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But is cost money. I am a little cautious about spending money online, I heard there are chances it can be hacked (internet hacked). Are there talent agencies that work with Disney that could do something with screenplays?
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Kevin Hager You might try finding a producer who has worked with Disney in the past.
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Know of any?
Are there codes to lower or make the pitch free?