Screenwriting : Looking for Coverage / Heat by Stacy Gentile

Stacy Gentile

Looking for Coverage / Heat

OK -- So I am finally in the place where I am looking for some studio level coverage and I was wondering if anyone here could make any recommendations based on what I am specifically looking for. There are a ton (no scratch that, a shit ton) of people out there who do "coverage". I am familiar with most of the major ones. Currently I think I am leaning towards the blacklist. Thoughts? Here are my requirements before you make a recommendation: 1. They need to have IMDB credits from something I recognize 2. If they like it, they are capable of bring heat on the script

Kerry Douglas Dye

You don't want Black List (assuming you mean It doesn't meet either of your criteria. If you're looking for something in that category (pay for notes/coverage and potentially get highlighted if they like you), then Spec Scout gives better feedback. But of course that doesn't meet your criteria #1. Anyway, this isn't the advice you asked for, but if I were you I'd drop those requirements and spend the money on somebody who can help you make your script bulletproof. Some of the best scriptwriting coaches out there don't have impressive IMDb credits.

David Levy

I have been researching this myself for a while. There are many website's and services across many websites/ The Writer's Store,, etc. They all offer the same type of service that the Happy Writers coverage offer's. Like Kathryn said, you pick the person YOU want to read it. A working industry exec with afinger on the pulse of what is being asked for. Joey and I have gone back and forth on coverage and he has an exec in mind to read my script that enjoy's the genre the script is in. That is service you really can not get on another coverage website.

Jean-Pierre Chapoteau

I would go with Happy Writers. I think the founder just recently told a guy on the forums to give him a call so they can go over his pitch together because the guy signed up for a pitching session and was nervous. Who does that? A selfless human being, that's who. I always have my guard up when it comes to paid services when it comes to screenwriting, but that right there changed my mind. He didn't have to do that. He could have taken the guys money, let him pitch a possible shitty pitch, and that would have been the end of it. But he didn't, and I respect that. I'm definitely going to try out at least one of their services by the end of the year, and I was completely against it until today. What was the question?

Danny Manus

You don't want Blacklist for coverage. You go to BL after you've had pro feedback not For it. As I've said, I'm happy to help but I don't do coverage - I do notes. there's a difference.

Stacy Gentile

@Danny - Yes sir... I understand the difference between coverage and notes. Much more detailed than "coverage".

Stacy Gentile

RE Blcklst: I thought that you pay $50 for coverage and $25/mo to host your script. Anything that scores 8 or higher gets promoted and getting promoted on the BlackList can bring some significant heat to a script. Am I incorrect in that assumption?

Stacy Gentile

Yes of course, Stage 32 / Happy Writers, Danny's NoBullScript, SpecScout are also obvious and great choices for services -- all on my radar / short list.

Stacy Gentile

@CJ -- You are correct on most points. I am new and fired up. That doesn't mean delusional and headstrong. I am taking a serious approach and everyone has to start somewhere. Also not trying to rush things, but I am trying to move things forward. Great advice on reading and learning -- I am reading everything I can get my hands on and talking to anyone willing and able. As for "Save the Cat" we could either have that convo by direct message or in another thread. It works for me currently and I will probably continue to use it for what I do. Thanks for your insights -- much appreciated.

David Levy

Stacy, what Danny means is wait on the BL. Get your script in order first, get it read and covered before you have someone on the BL read it. Get it fine tuned with coverage from Happy Writers or Spec Scout before you do the BL.

Stacy Gentile

@ CJ -- my were correct on all points. I will check out ScriptGal and Mechanic. Thanks.


I have a few thoughts on this. Just my opinion, so hope it helps: 1.) Try and make a writer friend or 3 on here and get them to trade scripts with you for feedback. It's free, and you can at least have them help you fix any glaring errors/typos, etc. before you send it on to another level of coverage/notes/consideration. 2.) Use Happy Writers or a similar service where you can verify the reader's credits and find someone who will be the right type of reader. (Only you know what your screenplay is about and who might gravitate towards the material.) 3.) Don't rely on your reader to gain industry access. Professional readers may happen to be development execs/producers, but if you are paying them to give you notes, you clearly already know your screenplay needs work. If you are taking a shot at a company, you always want to put your best foot forward. Hope that helps!

Tom Batha

I also use scriptgal and screenplay mechanic. They're both very good and have great insight on what your script needs to make it better.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

I just read your logline and the first 11 pages of your script. I'd be happy to discuss it with you offline.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Never saw "Bambie" but Thumper displayed real wisdom.

CJ Walley

I think we can all agree that Alle couldn't generate heat for a script if she was handed some lighter fluid and a box of matches. Some of us have seen the quality of her feedback too. Oh boy. The only list she could make is one in the kept in a hitman's back pocket.

David Levy

Rather have Bambi and Thumper from "Diamonds Are Forever"!

Stacy Gentile

UGH, as with most posts this one has completely gone off the rails -- again.

Beth Fox Heisinger

C'mon, who doesn't love Bambi?! Thumper was always my favorite. ...But, yes, let's move on, please. Back on topic. :)

Kerry Douglas Dye

Oh, shnap! When did those little "mod" things appear? Good thing they're next to the names of two of the very best human beings, on this message board or, let's be frank, anywhere. [Hands folded politely in lap.]

Stacy Gentile

Oh...I though that meant they were in a MOOD...hmmm

Beth Fox Heisinger

Watch it, Stacy! Kerry! We're onto you two guys! ...Just kidding. LOL! But, shucks, Kerry, very kind of you. :)

Monique Mata

"If they like it, they are capable of bring heat on the script" What you get with BL is not coverage. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong, but I doubt that any script consultant can bring heat to a script. They may be able to pass it along, but heat? No.

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