I am absolutely honored to be a Semifinalist in Stage 32's First Annual Family-Friendly Screenwriting Contest! Thank you, Stage 32 for opening up a screenwriting contest specifically for family-friendly films! I also want to thank the readers/judges who spend their days reading script after script so we can all showcase our work in hopes of getting it noticed :).
To all the screenwriters... I wish you loads of success in 2022, and I look forward to getting to know many of you through the Lounge!
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Hey Sara Dinga! This is fantastic! Reaching the Semifinals is no easy feat! There were a record shattering level of submissions. And as I said earlier - I hope you will join us in the Stage 32 Writers' Room! It is really a fantastic community!
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Thank you, Jason! Your support is much appreciated!
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This is fabulous news, Sara, Congratulations to you!
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Sweet Blessings and Congratulations...
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Congrats, Sara Dinga, and welcome from fellow Reno-ite! I'll bet we know some of the same people!
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Nicely done, Sara! Cheers to you from SoCal
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Way to go, Sara. Onward and upward.
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Good luck, Sara.
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Congrats on being a semifinalist, Sara Dinga.
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Nice job!
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This is so exciting! Congratulations Sara!
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Fantastic news, congratulations!
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Glad to hear it, Sara!
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Congrats, Sara Dinga! Love that genre. Best of luck moving forward in the contest!
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Wonderful news, Sara! I'm very happy for you.
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Woohoo! Congratulations, Sara Dinga! This is fantastic news and no easy feat. This is really when the heads start turning. Keep up the great work and of course reach out to me at any point - j.mirch@stage32.com for thoughts on how to move the project forward in other ways.