Screenwriting : Wrote a Movie Produced a Movie by Ron Jackson

Ron Jackson

Wrote a Movie Produced a Movie

My film, Murder and Cocktails, just garnered its first Rotten Tomatoes review.

A Stage 32 producer covered it so I took a big leap and produced it.

It will stream on all VOD including Amazon Prime and Apple TV for $75,000. 4K, director successful at Sundance, great actors - take a look at the promo from KPBSarts -

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Looks fun. Anywhere else besides Prime and Apple for viewing?

Ron Jackson

Yes, iTunes, Google Play, VooDoo, Vimeo, Verizon Cable, Dish, Comcast, Charter if successful on those then to a streamer like Hulu

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on "Murder and Cocktails" streaming on all VOD, Ron Jackson! Were there any scenes that you had to leave out of filming since the budget was $75K?

Ron Jackson

Nope. We of course edited scenes out but it had nothing to do with the budget. The director is a 6-time veteran of features, had success at Sundance, 4K, a national TV editor, a SAG quality acting.

You can do it too!

Maurice Vaughan

That's great that you/your team didn't have to leave out scenes because of the budget, Ron Jackson. Thanks, but I don't want to produce. I tried to produce two movies way back. It's not my thing. Can't wait to watch your movie!

Allen (Talen) Legacy

75 thousand is not a lot of money, was everyone paid on the production?

Ron Jackson

All actors were paid SAG Ultra Low Budget salaries.

All crew were paid competitive, though nonunion wages.

Everyone was given meals.

I had one PA who worked free but I paid $250.

It was shot as 4K, the director had done 5 prior features and had a film bought out of Sundance.

The DP filmed a feature for Paul Schrader.

The acting is first-class, the sales agent is Vision Films.

Yes, a pittance but I squeezed out a damn good film - here's the trailer.

I'll answer any question - Ron Jackson

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Ron, I've been telling people for years that they can make a good feature film for $25K, if they have a good war chest and have the right script. So a hat tip to you for a $75K feature, with distribution, and I'll ck it out on Vudu when the time comes.

Mark Deuce

Love this Ron Jackson and HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Mark Deuce

Just look at the movies in the 30s and 40s - the credits show just a few folks working and the budget was all in the talent.

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Follow up, question: how many shooting days?

Ron Jackson

15 days and usually about 10 hours/day. Though the last two were only about 6-8 hours. We did a few makeup shots but that was less than a day and it was just me and the director.

I just got this - take a look -

Mark Deuce

I worked with a producer Ron Jackson who can make a feature film for 10k and they were pretty good and he would take them to the festivals. All would work for free and get paid at the end. He has made of 100 features.

Ron Jackson

Here's more

All actors were paid SAG Ultra Low Budget salaries.

All crew were paid competitive, though nonunion wages.

Everyone was given meals.

I had one PA who worked free but I paid $250.

It was shot as 4K, the director had done 5 prior features and had a film bought out of Sundance.

The DP filmed a feature for Paul Schrader.

The acting is first-class, the sales agent is Vision Films.

Yes, a pittance but I squeezed out a damn good film - here's the trailer.

Allen (Talen) Legacy

Congrats! I'm amazed that you could produce a film on such a small amount.

Ron Jackson

Iron willed discipline, you need to say no to many money asks.

Stephen Folker

Really with today's technology and the right people, a film can be made for well under 10k. From chatting with different sales agents that deal with low budget independent films, I've been told several times over, the only filmmakers that stand a chance of making a profit are the ones that are high concept, self-contained and made for 50k or less (and must look like a much higher budget). 75k is a respectable number and you did a great job! Congrats Ron!

Ron Jackson

Thanks, money wise I’ve been told the same, don’t count on more than $50,000 from a VOD film. Vision Films is my sales agent.

Daniel Cozens

looks great Ron… Bravo. I’m gonna see if I can view it here in UK?!

Jim Boston

Ron, great job! Thanks for posting!

Mark Garbett

Pretty inspiring, rooting for this one.

Sydney S

Very cool, thanks for sharing!

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