Success Stories: MAY'8 Screenwriter Signs Shopping Agreement With Sandstone Artists After Connecting On Stage 32!

Maurice Vaughan

Screenwriter Signs Shopping Agreement With Sandstone Artists After Connecting On Stage 32!

Who doesn’t love some great midweek news? Josh Miller signed a shopping agreement! Check out today’s blog to see how and celebrate with him.

Josh also gives some takeaways in the blog that could help you in a general meeting and/or project consultation.

Ashley Renee Smith

I'm so excited for Josh! Thank you for sharing, Maurice!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ashley Renee Smith. I'm excited for Josh too. Looking forward to seeing "Disturbed" and "Dark Mother"!

Jack Binder

Great news!

Pat Alexander

Josh Miller, 7th Annual Stage 32 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Winner! He's a legend!

Matt Watters

Congrats Josh!

Sydney Summers

Congrats to you Josh!

Georgette Skolnick

Congratulations, but as a newbie, can you please enlighten me, what is a "shopping agreement"? Thanks

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Georgette Skolnick. Here's an article that explains what a shopping agreement is:

Georgette Skolnick

Thanks Maurice!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Georgette Skolnick.

Jabulani Pongolani

Josh, congrats on shopping agreement. Keep on keeping on

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