The photographer's lighthouse | Douglas Clark

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Douglas Clark

The Photographer's Lighthouse

I drove to St Joseph, Michigan to do a test shoot of the Lighthouse with my new Canon C500 and Odyessy7Q. I was in the process of setting up my shot when a photographer crossed my path and decided to set up her tripod in the center of my shot. I attempted to reframe the shot when another photographer joined her. I then decided to embrace the setting that was before me and include them in my shots. In hindsight I feel that it made the footage more interesting including them. The footage wa shot in 4K RAW and then converted to ProRes 4444. I used a Canon 135 MM 1.2 L series lens. What you are viewing is limited to 1080P HD using H.264 codec. Hopefully soon Vimeo will allow for viewing of 4K videos. The music is provided courteousy of Taylor Clark / Music You Can Swim To.

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