Black sunday - trailer | Mihai Filoneanu

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Mihai Filoneanu

Black Sunday - Trailer

Black Sunday - written and directed by Mihnea Chelariu, started as a student project and now developed as feature lengh documentary. Four of the survivors of tell us a story that takes us in 1941, when Romania entered World War Two. The documentary shows us the atrocities committed by Romanian authorities of the time against Jewish people living in Iasi, on June 1941, as seen through survivors eyes. Their flashback is terrifying. They lead us to the truth of that day, a day when 13000 innocent people were killed. A day called since: "Black Sunday". Was awarded with "Best documentary" at: -Hyperion Stud Fest 2010, International student film Festival and at The International Documentary Film Festival ”AUTUMN IN VORONET”

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