Voice over demo Representation: (Quebec) Sybille Sasse Agency, 514-934-0393 (Canada) Heroes Artists: 416-900-5561
www.andrewsearles.com/acting http://www.imdb.me/andrewsearles http://resumes.actorsaccess.com/andrewsearles https://app.castingnetworks.com/talent/public-profile/7646feca-bcfc-11eb-afb1-73cb8fd822e...
This is "Special 'On Stage with RB' Webcast - Talking TV!" with RB and manager Spencer Robinson - the first few minutes of the screen are black, but switches to video right after.
Voice over demo Representation: (Quebec) Sybille Sasse Agency, 514-934-0393 (Canada) Heroes Artists: 416-900-5561