Video_55s ( | Michael Edward Reif

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Michael Edward Reif
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I´m just now regaining my memory on a few things I´m a United States Marshal and I´m from Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania USA and I may have been dedicated at birth to Brooklyn, New York USA and when I got to be old enough I went to work for Denver, Colorado and then King County, Washington USA, from Military, Spy, Security Guard, City Police, County Sheriff, FBI, State Patrol, CIA, Train Operator, Banker, Postal Worker, Librarian, mostly but I´ve other work too. I´ve included a live conversation with myself in a crowded room maybe this might inspire you to make a film. Thank you very much. PS I worked in the News Room of NBC 29 Charlottesville, Virginia and King 5 Seattle, Washington you´ll probably have to do some digging it was a lot of years ago.

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