A very warm welcome to "football master" Hristo Petkov who was visiting Camden Town, London. Usually this Burgarian fellow goes around restaurants in Sunny B...
Soccer - Show - Kristi - Hristo Petkov ; www.soccershowKristi.alle.bg ; Google - footballman65 ; Email : soccershow@abv.bg ; Skype : hristo.petkov60 ; GSM : + 44 74 59 30 95 50 ; +359 876 406 726
Manager : Georgi Petkov - Soccer - Show - Kristi - www.soccershowKristi.alle.bg ; Google - footballman65 ; E-mail : soccershow1@abv.bg; Skype : hristo.petkov60 ; GSM : +359 876 703 783 ; + 359 884 532...
A very warm welcome to "football master" Hristo Petkov who was visiting Camden Town, London. Usually this Burgarian fellow goes around restaurants in Sunny B...