Where there's a will there's a way. Experimental short film by SAJEDUR RAHMAN CAST Aminul Islam CAMERA & EDIT Sajedur Rahman MUSIC O. Vessey PRODUCED BY GAIA production COUNTRY Bangladesh
The city that defeated all the birds - যে নগর হারায়েছে সকল পক্ষীকুল। An experimental film by SAJEDUR RAHMAN Starring SABIHA AFRIN LEE Music E ARON ...
The GRIND | French New Wave Directed by El Maestro. Starring: Jacqueline Dubois. Denise Lavigne. Chloé Chastain. Music: Vivaldi - The Four Seasons Autumn 1st Movement Vivaldi - The Four...
Where there's a will there's a way. Experimental short film by SAJEDUR RAHMAN CAST Aminul Islam CAMERA & EDIT Sajedur Rahman MUSIC O. Vessey PRODUCED BY GAIA production COUNTRY Bangladesh