Our new short film "Okka Kshanam" directed by Sairam Ijju. Synopsis: "Okka Kshanam" presents the brief time shared by an young girl and a boy at Secunderabad...
MR. Productions 'Chirujallu' (Music Video). Details: MR. Productions a Subash & Dheeraj production a Subash Chandra music video "CHIRUJALLU" cast: Kunal Kaus...
A Short Film by Saai Santosh. Narrated by Prashanth Gunasekaran Music Provided by Amplify Sounds.
Our new short film "Okka Kshanam" directed by Sairam Ijju. Synopsis: "Okka Kshanam" presents the brief time shared by an young girl and a boy at Secunderabad...